Chapter 1

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"And you chose those two to go on a task together?" Steve exasperated, running a hand over his face as he looked over the video footage in front of them.

"Everyone else was on a mission," Tony exclaimed.

"That and it doesn't matter what their petty vendettas against each other are. They're professionals at the end of the day that better get their God damn acts together before I personally make them regret it," Fury countered.

"Undercover newlyweds seems like a risky assignment for them," Nat added. "Steve and I have done it before. We can-"

"No, you can not," Fury cut them off and clicked a button on his desk that swapped the video footage of druglords to a file slowly scrolling. "You both have an assignment I'm sending you in the next hour in correlation to this case. So without your work, theirs is pointless. Got it?"

Nat and Steve shared a quick look before the blonde gave him a curt nod for him to continue.

Fury went on to explain how an insider of the criminal group had confirmed shipments, including hostages working as drug mules and other illegal substances that hadn't been tested yet across US borders. A whole operation in itself, but Bucky and Y/N's job would give them information the current insiders they had on the job weren't able to attain.

Y/N and Bucky's undercover assignment was to act as newlyweds, infiltrate the front runners of the group, and try to become a proven alliance in hopes of joining the group in their 'business'.

"So we're on standby with information until they have leads to help our end?" Steve concluded.

"Yes. And vice versa. You're running tactical, and they're running intelligence, although a mix in between," Fury nodded, handing them a paper copy of the mission.

"And it can't go the other way?" Nat asked.

"Your faces have become much too well known in the last few years for it to be passable," Tony added, arms crossed and reclined in the rolling office chair he couldn't see to keep stationary. "Bucky doesn't care for the public eye and has changed appearances since his run from the government, and no one can forget America's sweetheart over here," he motioned to Steve. 

"I've changed identities enough to get by," Nat shrugged, watching the brunette carefully.

"Yes, but Y/N's face hasn't graced the nationwide flatscreens nearly as much as yours," he smiled spryly and fluttered his eyelashes. "Plus, it's already been decided, so we're moving on from the argument."

"How long of an operation are we talking about here if the two have to create a relationship with the front runners of this?" Steve asked.

"Depends on how well the couple can sell it," Fury crossed his arms. "Speaking of the couple."

"Shove me again, and you'll lose another limb that you'll miss far more than that arm," Y/N growled as she pushed past the massive body blocking her way into the meeting room.

"There's a thing called manners, and it's free to use them," Bucky grunted as she shoved him with enough strength that made him slightly teeter.

The group outside of the new additions gave each other a hopeless look.

"I give it two days," Steve sighed, resting his head on his fist and watching them as they struggled against each other to obtain the last open chair. Y/N came on top of the scrabble and shoved him again for extra measures.

"Jackass," Bucky mumbled as he leaned against the wall behind her, kicking her chair in extra annoyance.

"Bitchass," Y/N retorted, throwing a middle finger behind her.

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