Stoker, Lopez, and DeSoto

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"Coffee's done," Ben Stoker announces as he moves the pot to the table. To this day, 51's A-Shift still makes their coffee by hand though they have gained a coffee maker. Nothing could beat the uniqueness of it and the amazing taste of the Stoker blend.

"Finally," Rico Lopez exclaims as he grabs the fresh pot of coffee once it's on the table.

Ty DeSoto takes the pot when Rico is done and states, "You make the best stuff."

Ben stifles a chuckle as he joins his crew mates at the table. "The skill runs in the family I guess."

Both men chuckle at the comment. The Stokers have created the reputation in the whole county of being great cooks. Ben's grandfather started it all when he worked at 51 as the engineer. No one would dare deny that he had skill. Ben's aunt even showed the skill when she worked at the station as an engineer also. Luckily his grandfather had passed his recipes down to him and his cousins so they can share the deliciousness with others.

"No kidding," Rico comments. "I think it's just those recipes your granddad gave you."

"You don't need a recipe to cook like your granddad," Ben states to Rico. Everyone knows he's not lying.

"It's the heritage," Rico responds.

With his Mexican background, Rico can easily be picked out from his crew mates. Though he's different, he's a necessity for the crew. He's the only one to speak Spanish fluently and had some skills with a fire hose before joining. Everyone knows that a true Lopez loves spice and Rico surely does. When he makes his homemade chili, he throws in as much spice as he can. There was no doubt that he was his grandfather's grandson.

"Not like heritage matters here," Ty intervenes.

Both men chuckle as Ben says, "Yeah, it's the history of this place that matters."

Ty smiles as he thinks about that history. The DeSoto name has been in the history since the Station and paramedic program began. His grandfather was in the first paramedic class and was the senior paramedic for his shift. Everyone knows about his grandfather and father and seem to expect the most out of him because of his name.

It wasn't hard for him though to live up to the name. He has the same blond hair and blue eyes as his grandfather and people say that he's also nurturing and wise like him. They also say that he has the same relationship with his partner like his grandfather did with his. Ty's partner is even the granddaughter of his grandfather's partner. His dad was also partners with her uncle. DeSotos and Gages seem to always be partnered up.

"Oh course. 'Cause history seems to repeat itself here," Ty says stating the truth.

All three men laugh at what was the undeniable truth. If you asked anyone in the department about Station 51, they would way that it is stuck living in the 70s. Everyone would agree that many things about the station has not changed and has pretty much been passed down in the 6 families.

"Roll call!" the men hear their captain call.

All three set their mugs down and take their time standing up. They make their way into the apparatus bay and take their spots in front of the rescue vehicle. Ben is first, being the engineer, and then Rico follows with Ty at the end, being the junior paramedic. Abri quickly takes her spot between Rico and Ty and all 4 of them hold in a laugh when Adam stumbles to his place in line between Ben and Rico. There was no doubt that Station 51's A-Shift has not changed one bit since the station was first put in service. It has just been luck that they were placed here in the shift they are in.

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