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"HOLY SHIT!" Whimsy screamed.

"HOLY SHIT," Insight shrieked back.

A sluggish, mildly awkward Spongy sat in front of her bed, observing.

"Guys I still don't know why you're in here," she reminded.

Whimsy was more stumped on how they managed to get there, let alone escape. Luckily, the halls that deep in the cave system were ill-lit. With Insight masking him from behind, the dim came in handy.

The grueling part of the journey was rushing without claws clicking on stone. It was a demanding way to run.

Somebody else's talon murmurs rolled down the hall. Whimsy and Insight turned their heads with a growingly rapid, synchronized heartbeat. But Whimsical recognized the mousy steps.

"Guys?!" Sheep's shuddering voice called.

Relief flew free in a sigh from the two dragons.

Whimsy crouched and revealed his face from hiding. He motioned for Sheep to hurry to Spongy's room.

Fleeting shock snagged Sheephead but he dashed in, breathless.

"There's no way you just made me do that," Sheep panted.

"Seems like you made it out fine!" Whimsy shrugged at the wobbly Sheephead. "Maybe I do have seer powers."

Sheep scowled and held a faded but still inky palm out at them.

"No! I was the one who told them 'I needed help getting ink off my hands.' I sounded so stupid!" Sheephead pouted. "The worst part is, they believed it."

"Good thinking, Sheepy my boy!" Whimsy grinned at him.

Spongy watched Insight, who was hunched, alone, and massaging his head.

"I would really love to know why you're all in my room," she repeated.

Before anyone could answer, Insight straightened.

"Sponge. Paper. NOW," he stared forward with hollow eyes.

Spongy lagged then mosied to her desk. She scratched her chin and flipped each paper, checking for a blank side. Every few papers, she'd pause to examine a drawing. Finally, a white page surfaced. The other side had something drawn on it that Whimsy didn't care to explore.

By the time she had it, Insight was  scraping his scales off waiting. All the different squirms possessing him melded together in a tornado of whole-body jitters.

Sponge had to get ink next, so she located a glass and held them out to the Nightwing. Insight seized them from her.

He bent over the floor again to dip his claw tip in the ink.

Words scrawled on the once clean paper.

The three leaned over to watch him record each prophetic line.

The Book of Forbidden Spells: Come to Light Where stories live. Discover now