Obstacle Courses and Obnoxious Cheerleaders

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Author's Note: HELLO FRIENDS! Sorry I was gone... again... I'm a horrible person. Also, this is a horrible chapter, it's too short but has important stuff in it. Also, Liz will be returning, if it isn't obvious that she's part of the plot...



Liam's POV: I slam my locker shut and heave my backpack onto my shoulder and make my way to the lacrosse field where I'm supposed to meet Scott. He said that Derek is going to be there, which is a little weird because usually Derek just provokes me or stares angrily at people. He's not really a people person. But Scott insisted that Derek's plan for training me really quickly was really good, so I'm just going with it. On my way out, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw one of the cheerleaders, a short girl named Liz or something equally as preppy. "Hey, Liam!" she said, way to peppy. "Hi." "Are you going to practice? Oh wait, there's no practice today, how silly of me!" She giggles and playfully smacks my shoulder. Why do girls feel like it's flirty to do that? It's just weird. "Well, anyways, what are you doing?" "Just meeting a friend," I say trying to make it look like I have to leave, because, well, I do. "Oh, with Scott? You guys seem like really good friends. Almost like brothers. Well, I'm going to go now! See you later!!" She wiggles her fingers at me and spins on her heel. I roll my eyes at her little routine and suddenly feel bad for Rosie for putting up with girls like Liz.

Finally, I make it to the lacrosse field and I see Scott and Derek. "Hey," Scott says. I nod in reply, dropping my backpack to the ground. "So," I rub my hands together. "I'm ready to be trained." Scott gives Derek this look and steps forward, handing me a sweater. "Aw, Scott, you shouldn't have. A girl's sweater, just what I wanted." Scott clears his throat and says. "Whose is that Liam? I know you know. All you have to do is save her." I look up confused. "It's Rosie's isn't it? What do you mean save her?" Derek rolls his eyes. "What Scott was trying to say very dramatically is that the three main skills you are going to need is tracing scents, fighting and knowing what is going to kill you as a werewolf. So, we set up an obstacle course of sorts. Scott will go with you but only to explain what you have to do. And right now, you have to use the scent off of the sweater to find Rosie." "So you just expect me to sniff this and the there's going to be a magical path that I'm going to find?" I ask. I don't understand how this is going to be helpful. Scott rolls his eyes at me and gives me a look that says 'just do it, for heaven's sake', so I do. I awkwardly sniff the sweater and suddenly, for whatever reason, I can feel where Rosie went. I take off sprinting in the right direction with Scott at my heels.

Rosie's POV: I have now been sitting in a tree for 36 minutes. 37 minutes. When Scott asked for my help I didn't exactly imagine it this way. But here I was. Also, it was getting cold and Scott took my sweater for Liam to trace my scent, which sounds kinda stalkerish, but now I can only hope that no random hiker shows up and stumbles across the weird treasure hunt we have set up. Oh my gosh, does that make me the treasure? That's disturbing... Suddenly I hear stomping and Liam bursts out of the trees, panting. I wait for a few seconds before Malia charges at him, tackling him and then the "gentle practice fight" begins. Only, it doesn't seem to be so gentle. Liam has already shifted into a werewolf and he is ANGRY. The thoughts flying through his mind are full of profanities and frustration, and I can sense Malia getting nervous. Her form is better, but Liam is going crazy. Scott shouts "Ok, Liam, you win, back off now!" but Liam seems oblivious. He starts fighting harder and harder, claws flying. "Scott, do something! I can't keep going much longer!" Malia yells, masking the fear in her voice. Scott pushes her out of the way and continues fighting Liam, just enough that they're fighting but not enough that Liam would normally think that he should keep trying. "Liam, stop. LIAM!" bellows Scott. I feel really helpless in my tree, and Malia seems to remember that I'm still here because she climbs the tree and unties me and helps me down. "LIAM!" I scream. "CALM DOWN!" I focus all of my thoughts on Liam chuckling at me sleeping, on quiet things, on things that generally should make people feel at ease. Liam's gaze snaps to mine and he seems to notice he's almost demolishing Scott. He suddenly stops and falls on the ground in shock. "Hey, you ok man?" Scot questions, out of breath. Liam doesn't respond for a while, then he says gruffly "Sorry, I lost it again." Scott claps his shoulder and says "You're a newbie, it's bound to happen. Derek almost got himself killed by his first betas. But YOU" he spins on me. "What on earth was that?" my eyes widen. "You think I know? I've never done that before! The most I've done is read thoughts or feel emotions. I've never changed people's emotions! Ask my mom, not me." I raise my hands in defense. "Well, I guess we are going to have to visit her. Liam, are you good?" Scott turned to Liam. "What? Oh. Sure, I guess." He forced a grimace that Scott must have believed, but his emotions were swirling crazily and he definitely not completely fine.

DUM DUM DUM DUUUUUUMMMMMM ALRIGHTY I warned you it was short don't hate me please.... P.S. I changed them to sophomores because then it kinda keeps up with the show.. idk

More is on the way, but for now, BYE LOVELIES AND MERCI FOR ALL THE LOVE

xoxo Quinn

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