There is a boy whose name is Troye. Troye Sivan Mellet. Troye is 17 year old boy who loves singing, being nosy , and spending his life online. And he's gay. At first he was scared to tell anyone about it but then he told his family and they were great. They accepted it and they are very proud of Troye that he told them and he's not afraid to express himself. Troye lives his life on fullest, pranks friends and doesn't care about his future. This summer (actually it's almost autumn) he has a lot of things going on. He's moving to another part of LA, going to a new school and more. But the only thing that makes him feel better is that his friends are living in the area he is moving to. Troye has a lot of good friends and he has no idea how they stand him because Troye has prank wars with them. Especially with Joe Sugg. Joe Sugg is a 17 years old boy who loves pranking everybody. Literally, everybody. He's great at pranks, sometimes even greater that Troye. By the way, Joe Sugg is Troye's best friend. They they spend a lot of time together and they are here for each other. Troye and his friends always ready to help each other. They are friendship goals.
It was the last night here, in his old house. He doesn't like this house. Maybe it's just because he still misses their old house in Australia, but the main reason why he dislikes this house is that he feels like somebody is watching him. Even when he's alone. That scares Troye a lot. He sleeps with the lights on, keeps looking back to check if someone's there . His parents don't believe him and that makes him more worried. Troye couldn't sleep that night so he opened his laptop and searched for his new school. He opened Google Images and saw a basic American school. Its outer walls were brown, and on top of the building there was an American flag. Near the building there was a large parking lot. Simple but cool. School wasn't too far away from his house so he can walk to school instead of driving.- Honey, why are you not sleeping? - mum came into Troye's room and sat on his bed right next to him.
- I don't know, I feel like somebody's watching and I'm a bit stressed. So much is going on.
- I know, Troye, - said mum, and kissed him on the forehead, - but soon it's going to be over. New house, new school, old friends, and new life . Everything will get better.
- Yeah, mum, you're right. Thank you for understanding. I love you! - and Troye hugged her.
- I love you too, Tro. And now, try to sleep. Tomorrow's a big day and we need you to be awake and full of energy , - she smiled and put Sivan's laptop on the floor, - Sleep well.
- Good night, mummy, - mumbled Troye and turned the lights off.
Tomorrow' s going to be a great day!

Mr.Fanta | Tronnor
RandomTroye Sivan Mellet is a 17 years old boy who goes to school, hangs out with his friends and loves being noisy and annoying. Suddenly he meets Connor Franta - a 22 years old man who loves cats and reading. They fall in love with each other but soon a...