Fuckin' Around [18+]

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You could get away with a lot of shit; so much shit in all honesty. You were the captain's lover though, so that was a given. Doing a lot of fucking around without getting any consequences was the norm for you because you were the favourite. Today that would change though, your mischievous activities lining up to land you in a situation of your own making.

Currently you were chatting with Killer, speculating as to whether or not said beloved captain of yours had a magnetic field around him as an involuntary effect of his devil fruit. It was just jokes at first, but then you both admittedly got a little too curious about it, and decided to test the theory by throwing some metal at him to see if it would deflect. He was enough of a meat heat, he probably wouldn't notice the first few attempts. It was a dumb idea, but Killer couldn't help but want to see what would come of such a test and— who was he to halt such scientific research?

"You ready to see if this works?" You spoke quietly, hiding behind a wall with Killer.

"It's your funeral if you get caught." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"It'll be fine."

Rolling your eyes, you took hold of a piece of scrap and peeked around the corner, waiting for Kid to turn his back to you. When he did, you flung the piece of scrap at him, watching as it seemingly bounced off of him and flew into the sea. Your guess was correct, and you immediately began to crack up with giggles as you hid again, reaching for another piece of scrap while you held back your laughter.

"No way. He really does have some sort of magnetic field around him!" You snorted. " That shit went flying and it didn't even touch him."

"The more you know." Killer chuckled, getting a kick out of your discovery.

"This is entertaining as all hell. I'm gonna do it again."

Grabbing another fist sized piece of scrap, you leaned out from around the corner again and chucked it in Kid's general direction, watching it bounce off of nothing again with a slight hum in the air. You ducked away just as Kid started to glance around in confusion, covering your mouth to keep quiet.

"You're enjoying yourself way too much." Killer commented.

"Like you can talk. I know you're at least a little amused." You snorted.

Both of you cracked some jokes together without denying how funny you thought it was, happy to have discovered such an amusing trait about your captain. What made it undeniably funny though was the fact that Kid was mostly oblivious to the pieces of scrap you threw at him, looking around for only a moment before resuming his activities. At least, you thought he wasn't aware. When you poked out to throw one more piece of scrap at him just to see it get sent flying, you were met with a wall of chest instead. Your heart leapt into your throat, beating rapidly as the piece of scrap slipped from your hands.

"Ohhh shit..." You squeaked.

"You having fun there, doll?" Kid rumbled, arms crossed.

"You're on your own now." Killer chuckled, backing away from the situation.

You made a split second decision and darted towards the door leading inside, slipping through before Kid could grab you. Unfortunately your speed meant nothing in his presence. He followed after you calmly, even letting you run ahead of him while he stopped at the corner to watch you flee. When you made it to the end of the hall though, you made the mistake of turning around to check and see if he was pursuing you. That moment was when he used his power, a familiar hum resonating in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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