"𝐇𝐞𝐲, 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫.."

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"Hello!" I smiled towards the tall brown haired boy. "Hey, Stranger!?" He looked.. confused. "I'm Jazabel, your new neighbor!" I smiled "Ohhh, that makes so much more sense" as realization crossed over his face.

"I'm sure you already know my name!" He confidently said "Uh.., no..?" I said as he then gave me a look "Actually!?" He asked "Yeah.." I replied

"Oh, well I'm, Anthony Reeves" He said "Nice to mee-" I was talking but cut off by my friend yelling at me "Jazzy! Where the hell are you!?"

"I'm up here!" I shouted to my sister, who was currently by the pool. "Oh, hey!" She smiled looking up at me blocking the sun from her eyes.

"Heyyyy!" I said dragging the "y"

"So who is that..?" The boy asked "My sister. Her name is Avani." I smiled at the boy. That's when a boy jumped out with a .., paintball gun!?

I watched as he pulled the trigger but Anthony moved so it came flying towards me hitting me in the chest. "Son of a bitch!"

"oops, sorry!" He yelled "Right in the chest!" I pretended to be hurt falling back but landing on a cushion, but they couldn't see that.

"Jazabel!?" Anthony asked "Is she okay..?" The other boy asked "I don't know!" "Why would you do that!?" He addded "I swear, Josh."

I heard steps near by as I realized they were on my balcony. "BOO BITCH!" I yelled as they yelled i bursted out laughing "Oh my god! Your faces!" I laughed

"That was not funny!" Josh said "What he said!" Anthony added. I laughed as Avani came up the stairs "Jaz are you o- AHHH who the fuck are you guys!?" She screamed

Meanwhile I was on the ground laughing my ass off. "Is she okay..?" Avani asked "Uh, mentally no, physically, yes." Josh joked

"And we are yalls neighbors, Josh and Anthony, but there are more people in our house" Josh explained "I'm Avani." I watched as she smiled at Anthony and looked at Josh.

"Well, we should get unpacking, nice meeting you guys!" I smiled at the two boys "Nice meeting you too, also sorry about the paintball gun thing." Josh smiled "Your good."

"Cya around" as the two boys went back to their house as me and Avani went inside.

"I so ship!" I said to Avani. "What!?" She asked "You and Anthony." I smiled towards her. "I swear, Jazzy, we just met!"

I just smirked at the girl...

Hi, Im Summer. Just wanted to see if everyone is enjoying the idea of the book, and if u haven't figured it out from the tags, this is a Jaden Hossler fanfiction, he comes into the story later!

Love you all-


✰𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now