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A/N: Hello my friends! Guess what? My school is out for the summer, which means weekly updates. I know that throughout the school year I was a bit slow in posting, but now that I don't have homework, I'll be posting weekly and maybe daily :)! And if I'm going on a trip, I'll be sure to let you know!

I just want to personally say thank you to everyone who has supported me through this story and my other stories. You guys have kept me going through and through! I love you all!

There are moments of happiness and moments of thoughtful thinking. But there were also moments where someone realized how far they've come and celebrated deeply in their hearts.

As for Mikey's case, that wasn't uncalled for.

It had been a long journey of discovery and courage. Honestly, if anyone were to call the youngster a living testament of someone who exceeded above expectations, it would be true. Though, it had been extremely hard to get there. His brothers could testify that, but even they were stunned at the progress their younger brother was making.

It had been a long week of no eating at first, but then it turned into eating a few days a week, then eating the whole week straight. Their younger brother started to get more energized every passing day, and his sentences were starting to get more coherent.

So, when Docter Autumn brought the Hamoto brothers in for the weekly check-up, there wasn't anything surprising about what the topic of the week was.

"Thank you for coming in today," Autumn smiled.

Leo nodded his head. "It's out pleasure Docter. I hope that there is good information."

"Yes, I'm pleased to delight you with that. Your brother Michealangelo is doing quite well, he's improving off the charts. All to which has applied towards his mental health as well."

At the very beginning of Mikey's treatment, the physical part of Mikey's health hadn't been the only thing that had struck Autumn's heart, but rather also the mental part of everything. In all her years of being a doctor, she had seen many with eating disorders, and it usually ended with the child being quite scared of themselves and the food that kept them alive.

But Mikey was different in that aspect, the young child was inspiring those around him, showing everyone that a few words might've bound him then, but those bonds had been let off with enough treatment. It truly inspired Autumn to do better things than dwindle on despair and the constant pressure of everyday life.

"Well, that's good," Leo grinned. "Anything that he'll need long term?"

Autumn picked up her clipboard and gave it a quick glance. "I would still get him therapy for the first year. This is all very traumatizing, especially for a child his age. And then I would also have him go to weekly or even monthly check-ups. Of course, none of this is mandatory but advised."

"Of course, I understand the precautions and I'll be sure to follow them. Thank you doctor."

"I'm glad I was able to help, I'll be sure to let you know if anything comes up." Autumn stood up to shake their hands but paused when she saw the older teenage boy sitting down next to Leo. His features were quite worrisome, and his breathing sounded far from normal. "Are you alright...." She had forgotten to ask for his name.

The older teenage boy looked up and nodded. "I'm fine doctor, my name's Donnie by the way." He stood up on shaky legs and accepted her handshake. "I'm just relieved everything is going smoothly."

"As am I."

Donnie smiled and walked outside while Leo shook her hand. He gave one last nod as he walked outside the large door. His younger brother was waiting outside the door, his arms were wrapped around himself as if he needed to be protected.

"You ok Donnie?" Leo asked softly as he faced his brother.

Donnie took in a shuddering breath but nodded regardless. Though, Leo knew the game that his younger brother was playing. "Donnie, you know you can talk to me, right?'

"I know...I just..." Donnie blinked as tears streamed down his face. "I was hard being in that room. I mean the last time we were in there...Mikey was dying and now...I'm just scared that if I walk back into that room again, Mikey will fall back into a coma. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy that Mikey is getting better, but I'm worried that something bad will still happen."

"Nothing bad will happen, ok? Perk up, we have good days ahead of us," Leo wrapped his arms around his brothers shoulders. "If you keep believing bad things will happen then bad things will happen. But it works the same way when you twist it around."

Donnie smiled softly. "You make it sound so easy Ani; how could I possibly develop your positive mindset?"

"Its simple, you follow in the steps of the master. Aka me. So, watch and listen boy, I'm about to transform you."

His younger brother shrugged him off. "Tough luck Leo, you have a better chance of transforming Raph then me."

Leo smiled. "Well then, let's see what Mikey has to think of this. I bet he'll be on my side."


"This is impossible," Raph muttered. He held up an orange sweatshirt against his pale skin. "Mikey will hate this."

"Well, I think it's kind of cute, has Mikey ever been obsessed with skater boys?" Oliver questioned; he positioned an orange beanie on his head. "Do you think he would like this?"

"No and no."

"Don't worry, we'll find something."

It had been a fruitless effort really; Raph and Oliver had met up – a once a time occurrence – and decided that they would go and get Mikey a welcome home gift. But that proved to be a lot harder than they originally thought.

Mikey liked a lot of things...but Raph didn't know a lot of those things. And although Oliver proved to be somewhat of some help, it still wasn't enough to find the 'perfect' gift.

"I don't think we're in the right shop." Raph added on as he looked around. There were shelves of colored beanies, pants that went abnormally low, t-shirts that either had a band or common saying on it, and skateboards...lots of skateboards.

Sure, Raph didn't know exactly what his brother wished for, but one thing was for sure. Mikey was more of an artistic kid.

Maybe there was an art shop around the plaza.

"Hey Oliver?"

Oliver looked up; another colored beanie adorning his head. "Yes?"

"I know you and Mikey used to come down here a lot," Raph walked forward. "Is there an art shop down here that has good products?"

"Of course, there's a shop not to far from here. They sell lots of art supplies and even do custom art pieces."


"Dude their custom art is amazing! Me and Mike almost brought a custom art piece, but that was know."

Ideas were formulating in Raph's mind, maybe having a physical item wasn't better, had to be perfect. And it was perfect, it just needed to be brought.

"Let's go, lead the way."

They arrived at the art place, known as Filly's crazy designs, Raph raced up the counter. A young blond-haired women was waiting there.

"Hello, welcome to Filly's crazy designs, my name's Berklee! How can I assist you?" She asked.

"Hi, can I get a custom design?" Raph asked.

Berklee nodded. "Yes, if you can fill this out with all the information, all you'll have to do is pay, and we'll start your design!" She handed him a small packet.

Raph filled out the packet in no time and returned it back to the lady.

"Wow, this is quite the design sir," Berklee smiled. "I bet your brother will love it."

"Thank you miss," Raph returned her smile. "I know he'll love it."


A/N: What do you think Raph custom-made?

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