𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 1

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The world was filled with darkness.  GACKT said let there be light and there was light.  GACKT was alone, he needed someone to worship his creations. So he created us for thy to worship thou.  But thou needed a world to make us live in so thou created paradise.  He then created angels that were made out of light, and mini GACKTs, made out of both light and darkness.  But then, he created someone similar to ye, and thou was called Közi.  Közi was a full on worshipper to GACKT but once he saw thine happiness and thou misery, he became jealous.  Thou he fancy to knap humanity and GACKT down, but that attempt made him look unpregnant and foolish.  But once GACKT just spoke, he began to quake and began running zany.  Everyone made of him a fool and he was vindictive.  So he began to knap every human he sees, but GACKT saw his knaves being struck down so he tried to confront Közi and make him quicken but thou did not listen and continued.  So GACKT palled him with a blanket made of fire and struck him down to hell because Közi thought he could emboss more humans.  Közi was there for thou end of life.

𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 2

GACKT saw many humans become unpregnant and foolish and they began to stop inheriting in GACKT.  This made GACKT feel heavy so thou did what he must and created angels of high rank.
The lowest rank angel is the alpha guardian, thou work must be embossing the evil and empower and protect the humans. The middle rank angel was the lucid hybrid eye.  It could see anything and therefore see everyone.  If it caught humans who went away from GACKT and changed their inheriting, it would report it to the holy GACKTERUS with high expedience.  The highest rank angel was the holy GACKTERUS.  Thou is important for humanity and the rules of the world thus making thou the most important and most holy angel in GACKTs kingdom.  Thou work is to make sure thy shall not change his straight way to go to the wrong direction and stop inheriting to GACKT.  It has also stopped humans from feeling heavy.  In thy holy battle of Okinawa of the Ryukyu islands, GACKT was known to use GACKTERUS as a very tall bomb that created hydrogen.

𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 3

During the holy battle of Okinawa of the Ryukyu Islands, Közi was also seen, having fled his prison of inferno, he has been seen taking the foolish with himself to Hell.  He has turned everyone of them into his knaves and will not hesitate to also turn the slaves of GACKT to the lackeys of his. He gatekeeps them till today as that role was chosen as an act of mercy by GACKT.

𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 4

After thy battle, every sinner has been sent to Hell by GACKT and GACKTERUS, where they were seemingly immortal, but that has its consequences as they were tortured and burnt till thou corpse shall burst and explode to blood and their remains were made to ashes willingly by the lower rank angels to use as the palling of GACKTs festival meal, making the food seem quaint.

𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 5

GACKT sent out a prophet after more sinners started to appear and fill hell, so the prophet started preaching.  He was under the humans as Mana, most of the humans followed him and he built a place of worship in the lands of the French kingdom, called the holy GACKTitsian church of Mana-sama.  Every Sunday, Mana-sama made a sacrifice, only for GACKT.  GACKT loved the sacrifices.  But once, GACKT stopped accepting the sacrifices.  Thou had a friend named Kami, but he died.  GACKT mourned over this loss and stopped accepting sacrifices in the egoistic mistake.  Once GACKT noticed the sacrifices even reached from the world till over the gates of the seventh heaven, he started accepting them all, with happiness.  The sacrifices made him happy and he always thought about Kami being proud of him taking the sacrifices of those with less might than him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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