chapter eight:

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His kisses moved down my chest to my abdomen, from my abdomen to my lower belly as he passed my belly button. His kisses are soft and calming, his lips smooth and soothing against my skin. As he slowly gets to where my pants start, he stops, looking up at me. I give him a 'why did you stop' look, clearly confused as to why he stopped as we were getting to the good part.

He scoffs as his words tumble over his breath. "Y/N," he speaks my name with concern in his voice. I look at him in confusion as he utters my name.

Suddenly, the doorknob aggressively wiggles, clearly someone trying to get in. As soon as we hear the noise from the door handle struggling, we both look at each other with worry as we hear a boyish voice outside. "Ey, Hermana, mom says it's time for lunch." I quickly sit up and look at Five with widened eyes, clearly not ready to hear Diego outside of my room. I put on my bra as fast as possible and scramble to put on his clothes again.

No response from either of us leads to Diego knocking even harder on the door. "Y/N, ¿estás ahí?" he asks again, this time with concern. "Ehmm, yeah, I am here!" I respond to Diego's question. Even through the door, I can hear his sigh of relief. He then tries to open the door, despite my confirmation that I am in my room. "Ehhm, ¿y/n, por qué está la puerta cerrada?" Oh no—I look at Five, hoping he'll give me an answer to what I should do, but he's just as clueless as me. "Eehh, uhhmm," I try to come up with a good explanation, but my mind is completely empty. "¿Y/n... tienes un chico aquí?" he asks with a playful tone in his voice, probably smiling behind the door.

This question actually disgusts me for some reason. Shit, he's suspicious.

But without any further notice, the door unlocks, revealing me and Five standing in the middle of my floor, with the previously locked door, my top on the floor, and Five's tie on my bed.

Diego stands there in shock at the sight of us.

Five doesn't even have the chance to blip himself out of here. How the heck did Diego even enter so quietly, and who taught him to pick locks???

His eyes widen.


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