Chapter 8

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One month later... "Mr. Foreman has the jury reached a decision?" The judge says. "Yes we have your honor." "How do you find the defendant?" This is the moment we've been waiting for. "We the jury find Mr. Alsina not guilty on all counts." "Thank you Mr. Foreman." "Your honor can we pull the jury." Darius says. "Yes. Jury number one." "Not Guilty." As they go down from each person all had he same answer. I couldn't be more happier.

"Mr. K your the man!" "Your welcome Mr. Alsina. But none of this would be possible if it wasn't for Ms. Wright." I smile. "I could kiss you Maliyah!" August says catching the attention of a few bystanders. "But you aren't." I say as we walking out of the court room.

"Well how about a hug?" He asks as we leave out the courthouse. "Sure but nothing fancy." Of course he doesn't listen and ends up spinning me a around. "Stop its cameras recording this shit." I whisper.

After we do a session with the media. I head back to the office. It's late but I need to finish a few things. I get inside and it feels so weird being the only person on this floor. I get inside and once I'm halfway finish its a knock on my door. I get up. I open and it see August. "I brought you dinner." "Thank you. How did you know I was here?" "I stopped by your place and then came here. I saw your car outside." "Oh." I grab the bag and sit it on the desk.

August pushes me up on the desk and kisses me. "Thank you." He says pulling away. "Your welcome but you can't just walk up in here and do that." "Who's going to see us? It's no one here." "August." "Alright I got you." "Thank you." "Let me take you on a real date." "When?" "Tomorrow night."

"I think we could make that happen. I need it to be somewhere secluded." "Deal." He kisses me one more time before moving. "I'll let you get back to work. Call me once you get home." "Alright." "Thank you Maliyah." "For the millionth time your welcome." He smiles and walks out. I sit back down but my door opens.

"Why are you here?" "I wanted to congratulate you on your win." "Technically it was Mr. K's." "Only because you gave it to him." "Okay and that was my decision." "Why won't you go with me to the ball? I can do a lot more for you then that thug can."

"That thug is a friend who I will not let you sit here and attempt to belittle. I don't want you." "Maliyah your testing my patience." He says shutting my door. I knew this shit could've waited until the morning. "Get out of my office." "Or what?" "I think you heard her the first time." Mr. Jackson says coming into my office.

Thank God. "Mr. Jackson how are you doing? I'm Darius Smith the new DA." "Charmed I'm sure. You may leave my building Mr. Smith and I suggest you don't return unless you have official business here." Darius looks at me and then leave out.

"Thank you Mr. Jackson." "Maliyah I've known you for a while now. I don't know what is going on between you and Mr. Alsina but whatever it is do not let it affect you work ethic nor let it happen on these premises." "Mr. Jackson I assure you we're only friends."

"Friends with a history. I know that look you have in eyes when you look at him. It's the same look Mrs. Jackson gives me every night." Wait a minute. "Mr. Jackson-" "Maliyah it's okay. Just be careful not everyone is as understanding as I am." I smile, "Thank you Mr. Jackson."

The next night... It's a knock on my door. "Hey." "You look beautiful." "Thank you. You look very handsome." "Thank you are you ready?" "Yes." We walk out and get in his car. "This is new?" "Yeah I decided to switch up." "Cool."

We get to the restaurant and it seems pretty deserted. "Where is everyone?" "You want secluded you got it." "August I didn't mean for you to go all out like this." "It's nothing for you." He shut down the entire restaurant for us. "So how are feeling being a free man?" "Amazing but I told you I didn't do it." "I know." "So where do we go from here?"

"I don't know." "Well I personally would like for us to go back to how we use to be." I smile, "Sounds nice doesn't it?" "Real nice and can't wait to see if you still remember the old tricks." "August!"

"I'm just being honest. I've thought about that since I walked in your office." "Get your mind out of the gutter." "As if your isn't when you go sleep." I gasp, "I'm only to kill Monique." He laughs, "Actually she didn't tell me. I overheard your conversation at the hotel." "Nigga. You were ease dropping?"

"I was about to knock on your door but I decided I'd wait and listen." I smile and shake my head. "Whenever your ready baby." "Anyway August.." "Aye have you heard from that nigga?" "Yes." "What happen?"

"He just stopped by the office." "And?" "Congratulated me on the win." "It wasn't your case." "I know." "What else?" "Nothing that's it." "When this happen?" "The night you stop by." "So why did he walked pissed when he walked out the building?" "How do you know that?"

"I saw him getting on the other elevator as I was getting off so I waited just in case." "Oh." "So what happen?" "Mr. Jackson walked in and put him out." "What was he doing?" "Asking why I wouldn't go to the ball with him and how he can do better for me than you can." He laughs, "This nigga just ain't gone learn." "August." "Don't August me I've been chilling but I see now it's time to take some action."

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