✷Their first meet✷

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There is a function at sharma's family where their close friends are invited because their princess retuned home nearly after seven years

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There is a function at sharma's family where their close friends are invited because their princess retuned home nearly after seven years.
Everyone is busy with the preparations their mansion is decorated like reception bride decent and best .
Everyone at the home is in chaos and very excited to celebrate aaradhya's arival but for the whom they are doing these she is only not happy with it because she doesn't want to meet anyone just wanted to stay in her room.
She can't even tell to them because they are way too happy so she doesn't want to do something against their happiness. So she decided that she will do that events only in which her presence is necessary and after that she will go to her own space.

 So she decided that she will do that events only in which her presence is necessary and after that she will go to her own space

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I don't even know who are coming or who are not how can I meet with them what if they pass comments on me. What is the need of all this. Now nothing can happen so it's better to stop my thoughts and I should get ready.
My biggest concern is outfit selection I don't even know which outfit I have to wear. I can't even take anyone's help. I had my friends here but I am meeting with them that to after three-four years because I was not here and I don't want to return. I had my two bestfriend Ridhima and Anshika I don't even know what's happening in their life or if they consider me as their friends or not.
Everything is happening good but I don't want these things just leave me in my room with Ac on and give me soft blanket and I can spend my whole eternity there.
Offcourse with my digital devices.
I reminded my brain stop thinking these just focus on main thing outfit . I think sometimes if I use some brain in my study more rather than my delusions and overthinking I could topped in my batch.
So finally I have decided my outfit now I have to apply something on my face I don't even know how to apply eyeliner how will I do these. I just know how to apply lipstick and cream so I am going with that only what if they say I am ugly it's okay I have
listened this through my 24 years of existence on mother earth.
So I am ready finally ready to do the most difficult things in my whole life to interact with people unnecessary.

So I am ready finally ready to do the most difficult things in my whole life to interact with people unnecessary

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So we are heading for sharma's mansion because their princess has been returned after so long. I usually don't attend any functions I denied for it too. My family has good relations with sharma family so me and I Aahan. Then they told me about Miss. India aka Aaradhya's arival so I couldn't keep calm and wanted to go there just to have her single glance.
So we have arrived for the function but miss is nowhere to be found. When I used to come at Aahan place I had played with her a lot too. Suddenly at a very young age she went I don't know where even as I was a child back then.
So I was looking at upstairs so when she will come downstairs I couldn't even miss her single glance.
So the time came she has been arrived downstairs looking like an ethereal beauty I couldn't even explain that I was just mesmerized with her mere presence.

Finally I am downstairs

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Finally I am downstairs. And everyone was looking at me and my stomach was churning with fear that I couldn't just embarrass me and my family in front of everyone. Now after my entry not everyone but I could feel one person gaze on me i don't know who he/she is why anybody do that. I think they are just my delusional thoughts. So now I had cut the cake and I just don't want to be here anymore so I have already spoken to my parents that I am going to room because I had headache.As they denied me going to room now I am going in garden and as I went there I am still feeling a gaze on me.
Is there any ghost around me I don't know yes if it is there then I don't care because what will that ghost get from me. I was relaxing on bench suddenly I felt someone's presence beside me I got scared too much. Then I decided open my eyes finnaly and I just screamed and that person put his hand on my face how can he. Then before everyone come outside while listening to my scream I just ran away not even getting the proper glance who he was and my parents approached to me for asking me what happened I just lied I told them it's cockroach then everyone started laughing even I am not scared of that mere insect. Oh my God I had already embarrassed me now it's time to go as I am doing it for the first time running from situations .

Chapter aesthetics

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Her outfit

His outfit

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His outfit

Them sitting on bench

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Them sitting on bench


So beautiful people here is the first chapter
I hope it was good

Lots of love to you and your loved ones 💕


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