🚗 : "Passenger Princess"

495 6 21

Arkansas, Goobertown

Y/N sighs and gets up from the floor, quickly dashing to the walk in closet, undressing yourself from the wet clothes earlier, throwing it into laundry before wearing a brand new set of clothes. Y/N decides to wear something casual: denim baggy jeans and a casual black shirt, and a necklace, carved on it: "C".

(Ofc, C stands for yo Caseypoo‼ 😍)

"I cannot believe I'm wearing this necklace.."
You chuckle and sigh, grabbing your dry dufflebag and opening the walk in closet door to exit. As you approach the main door, you let out a sigh, releasing your nervousness from finally, getting closer with your crush, Case.

Y/N swungs the door open, and there he was, holding his umbrella in his hands, still standing on your grassy front yard. Case smiles and approaches you,
(his steps each creating 9.3 earthquakes internationally because of how heavy he was.) softly leaning the umbrella up, under you both.

Raindrops falls on the umbrella's surface gently, the sound of it following Case's calming voice.
"So, what company do you work for?" He asks, placing his hand on Y/N's shoulder. It sends shivers down your spine, sending a slight blush on your cheeks.

"Uh, j-just the uh-.." You stutter, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
Crap, Y/N?! Why are you so nervous!!
You thought to yourself.

Case giggles and looks at you once more, "No need to stutter, are you working for a small company?" He asks, with a sweet and kind tone. Y/N chuckles softly, brushing your strands of stray hair out of your forehead.

"N-no, it's kind of like, just an average company, not big or small. It's just like 3 miles away, so.. I really appreciate the drop off there, Case." You reply with slight confidence.

CaseOh nods, replying joyfully:
"No problem, we should be heading now. This weather could get any worse, and you'll be probably late if we continue to chat here. Shall I?" He asks, offering his hand to you.

Y/N hesitates for a bit but takes his hand, Case gripping it slightly before you guys walk to his car. As you guys reach the car, Case lets go of your hand and opening the (passenger) car door for you, gesturing you to get in. "You first, princess."

Your heart raced, a slight nickname could never make you so flustered like this..
But..being called..
You thought to yourself. Y/N nods and steps into the car, sitting on the passenger seat. Case smiles before closing the door gently, heading to the driver's car door to enter himself.

As he was outside, your sweat drops in nervousness, your heart pounding on your chest. Y/N breathes in and out before wiping the sweat. You sigh as he finally steps in the car, the car literally weighting 10x heavier, making it release a creaking sound. As you calm youself down quietly,

Everything is going to get flusteredly worse.
Imagine this.
You, your crush, in one car, sitting beside eachother.
What could possibly happen, right?
There's a million chances!!!

"Looks like you've zoned out," Case says, driving the car flawlessly. Y/N shakes their head, laughing softly, trying not to zone out again.

"Yeah.. I did. So were you asking me something..?" Y/N tilts their head towards Case, leaning your back on the seat. He nods and stops the car as he sees a red light.

"Yeah, I actually.. did"
"So, what is it?" You ask.

"I acutally-..uhm.. actually.. nevermind."
His change of mind in a question made you curious. Y/N chuckles and pokes his arm softly with your arm.
"Tell me, don't worry." You say with your calming tone of voice.

Case focuses on the road as the light turns green again. "Yeah.. so actually. I need to get your opinion on something."

"Hmm? Alright. I'm all ears." Y/N says curiously.

CaseOh sighs and looks at you, then on the road again. "..so..what do you usually do when you love someone romantically? I mean, I like someone right now and I just want your opinion on stuff."

He likes someone.
"I don't know, give them flowers or wanted gifts I guess?" You say quickly.

(Fun fact: That one picture you took in the 1st chap is like a gift for Case)

"Hmm, okay." He said, before stopping the car directly on the parking lot of your company's branch.
"Here we are," Case says softly, glancing at your figure.

"Thanks again, Case. Good luck to you and your lucky person!" Y/N says, opening the car door and walking out of the car, shutting the door softly as we wave goodbye.

My heart aches in pain as I walk to the entrance door of my workplace, the lingering curiousness of who Case loves. You sigh and finally get into the photoshooting room, where a bunch of fresh university graduates sat, waiting for you to take them a picture.

"Maybe he doesn't like me after all." Y/N mutters quietly to yourself.
You sigh and quickly gets to work.

[868 words]

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