The attempted murder

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As my eyes were drawn to the front of me I could see the judge, the people of the jury in the back, the plaintiff team on my left, and the defense on my right, the unknown instilling in me. As the defense spoke Ko Seoyoon says, "Based on the facts described in the indictment and the suspected crime, Choi Woohyuk," as she says this out loud in a calm confident voice, the sound of a door opening and the hinges creaking can be heard. As everyone turned their heads to the right the person they spoke of came out of those doors, his long legs and the radiance of arrogance came from him. His annoyed face can be seen as he grabs a hold of the chair meant for him, as he was the defendant, was pulled out and he took a seat. As he looks into the crowd all we see on his face is annoyance and nothing else, everyone expecting guilt or fear but nothing only that of annoyance.
"We are charging Choi Woohyuk with the crime of attempted murder of lee so-woo." she states in a calm voice. The defense attorney comes out in a fast speed to contradict her.
"This is a mere fantasy! The prosecution is fantasizing!" Han Jihoon states as if he knows all
"The indictment is based on the testimony of a witness of the attempted-murder scene!" Seoyoon says as she looks around the crowd informing them of the evidence she has.
"The defendant did not harbor any ill feeling towards Lee So-woo, defentitle not enough to harm him." as Jihoon also looks into the crowd to inform them he points his clipboard in the direction of the defense, raising it up and down to prove his point. Seoyoon walks around in front of the crowd of students, parents, and the media. She looks in the direction of the two students that always followed the defense, were his backup at all times and followed his every direction.
"Can you prove the defendant's alibi?" she says in a dominant voice, her eyes piercing into them trying to make sure they don't lie.
The defense attorney, Jihoon, raises from his seat slamming his hands onto the desk as he shouts, "Objection!"
The judge says in a calm voice, "Prosecution?"
But she continues, "December 25th, midnight, Where was he and what was he doing?" Her eyes piercing still into one of the boys , Kim Dong Hyun, stood up as his shaggy hair tries to cover his eyes as he looks down onto the ground in guilt or in fear many people know of the evidence she is speaking about. "Who were the witnesses?" She keeps going trying to edge him into confessing not the defense but the boy with the shaggy hair "Is there anything to prove those things? Please tell us as you remember them." She speaks to the body standing as his eyes raise up he looks into the eyes of the defense.
He says in a calm voice "I don't know. THE ALIBI IS FAKE! THEY TOLD ME TO SAY THAT I WAS WITH HIM. THEY TOLD ME TO JUST SHUT UP AND DO WHAT THEY SAY!" he shouts out into the crowd, shocking everybody. As he looks back and forth from the defense and prosecutor everyone just stares at one another and finally to the defense. The Woohyuk lets out a scream of frustration and starts to charge over to the boy as to beat him up everyone on his side runs to grab a hold of him to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. He almost makes it but people got a hold of him just in time.
He starts to scream, "HEY YOU! LET ME GO." As he struggles in their grips Kim Donghyun runs out of the autorim and outside. As this all happens a boy in the front can be seen staring into the group, his eyes devoted to life he stares and stares not knowing of what will happen as the day passes on.
Well now be going back to when this first started and why many think Choi Woohyuk was the one that tried to kill my boyfriend Lee Sowoo. It started on a calm day when everyone was getting ready to do their tests. I was seated right next to Sowoo trying to finish up my test. I glanced over to him and noticed that he had his hood up and was looking like he was contemplating something. I was almost halfway done with my test and noticed that he was staring down at one of the girls in front of us so I turned forward to see who he was looking at and I noticed it was Ko Seo Yoon. Her hand seemed to be cramping up and she was wrapping it. I turned to him again and noticed he was staring at me now. I tilted my head seeing the fringe of my bangs in the corner of my eye, he tilted his head towards the door to indicate he was leaving. I nodded my head and turned to my quiz to tell him I needed to finish my quiz before I could go. He nodded his head and strived over to the door heading out. I turned back to my quiz and thought 'why didn't I just go with him, I'm so tired. 'I smacked my head from those thoughts, 'no I need to finish this.' As the time passed I finished my quiz and headed out to the courtyard and into a hidden room, a room that Sowoo and I usually go to when we are done but never noticed him. So I started to ring up his phone but didn't get an answer, so I started to head back into the school trying to find him and see where he was. I heard the rustling of people and the sounds of teachers breaking up a fight as I headed towards it.
All I can hear is Woohyuk screams of "I'm gonna kill him." Wondering whose next victim is I start to head over. Then I could hear our homeroom teacher and the name that came out of her lips got me frozen in place until I finally processed it and ran over pushing everyone out of my way. Sowoo breathed in, Sowoo was the one Choi Woohyyk was fighting so I ran in. I saw him gasping for breath on the floor, his eyes glazed over his body, breathing up and down trying to gather as much breath as he could. His lips busted into a wound on his right bottom lip and another on his left eyebrow. I ran over to him and skidded onto my knees, my homeroom teacher tried to stop me by trying to put her hand out but I pushed it away. I grabbed his head and put it onto my thighs.
"Sowoo calm on deep breaths in, lets calm down okay." I stated calmly as his breaths started to calm down, "Okay, let's go home." I stated but as I turned my heads I notice Soyeon in the crowd that gathered to watch the fight. Her eyes were in shock still processing the scene she just saw. I turned to Sowoo again and notice he was also looking at her. As I started to help him up our homeroom teacher stopped us and said she had to bring Sowoo to the office to speak to him of what happened and what caused the fight to happen. Sowoo agreed and as I tried to walk with them she informed me that I'm not allowed in since I never witnessed the fight and I'm in a personal relationship with Sowoo that I'm not allowed to be in the room. As I went to argue Sowoo gave me a look, he was informing me not to get involved.
He turns to me and states "Zheng, stay outside of the room, wait for me out in the benches by the courtyard. I'll see you there." leaving no room for arguments I started to head over to the courtyard and waited for him. It took an hour before I saw him again, noticing that he had both his and my backpack. I knew we were heading home.
"So how did it go?" I ask
"I'm most likely gonna be transferred to another school." he says
"WHAT!!" I scream, "But there were so many people in the crowd, there should have been enough to inform you that you were the victim and not Choi Woohyuk."
"Nobody came out with a witness statement," he says
"What about seoyeon she saw the whole thing she would come talk as a witness if we ask right." I said
"No, I saw her in the treacher room and she said she saw nothing. She is just like the rest of the students." He says in a solemn mood. Everything seemed to darken after that and then the next day when we arrived Sowoo already knew what his outcome was going to be but still went. I had already called out and was waiting for him by the courtyard knowing he would like to do a final hoorah. As I noticed him walking I ran a little to meet up with him. As we met in the middle I faced him and stared into his eyes and nodded to indicate that he could do it. So he turned around and looked at all the students that gathered in the window to see what was happening. He raised his hands from his pockets and raised two middle fingers to everyone. People started to heckle him and he turned away and put one hand in his pocket and the other grabbed my hand as we walked away back to our house. That would be the last hand holding because after that he will tell me he needs to stay home for a while to talk to his parents and see what they are gonna do about school.
The white snow is coming down to the ground like little cherry blossoms hiding everything in pure white. As zheng lee steps onto the snow you can hear the crunch of the snow on every footsteps, the wind,and how the snow falls onto the ground. I decided to get to school early to get some studying down and also to see if there is anyway to get Sowoo back into our school again and as I made it to the bridge I saw Jihoon, his a close friend of Sowoo and me, I ran to reach him I noticed that he was looking at something by the bike parking as I reached him, I was also able to see what eas on the ground my heart stopped everything in my was on fire. My life seemed to have flashed by my eyes and my body went into autopilot. As I was going to run, Jihoon grabbed my hand and covered my mouth. I didn't notice that I was screaming and my eyes have started to get blurry as. Jihoon rushed to get me out of there and we made it back to my house.
Jihoon spoke to me in a very calm voice, "Zheng calm down okay, everything is going to be alright yeah, everything is just fine." as he was speaking to me my house phone started to ring. Jihoon got up to answer it. All I heard was mumbling and then he started to cry out, "Really, okay thank you so much for informing us, yes thank you." Jihoon rushes back over to me, "Zheng everything is alright Sowoo isn't dead okay they were able to resurrect him. He's in the hospital right now. Okay everything's gonna be fine , since he put you as an emergency contact they were able to inform you okay."
As he told me this relief started to flood me and ny tears have came back, but not of sorrow know but of relief and from then on this is where our story starts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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