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     “It is done!” Exulted High Lord Amardis, raising the pendant high into the air, so that each and every one of his soldiers may behold its splendour, and confirm for themselves the honesty of their leader’s statement. “I have retrieved the Amulet!” The troops cheered and applauded. But their cheers rapidly turned to gasps, as the Lady Amarande, who did shine with the eternal beauty of the moon, did drop from the vaulted ceiling to stand before her brother.

     “Amarande!” did snarl the much-feared Amardis, fury etched onto his perfect features.

“Thou canst not win, Amardis. For thy troops may be plentiful, but mine be loyal. Each would sacrifice their life for this war.” Replied fair Amarande, in defiance of her brother’s rule.

     And snarling, did Amardis attack, and weeping, did his sister also.

     And for three waxings and wanings of the moon did the pair battle until, exhausted, did Amardis finally emerge triumphant.

     But as the Lord readied himself to deal the final blow, Amarande’s blue, blue eyes did bore into his, no longer filled with defiance, but with raw, untamed terror. And trembling, did she utter a single word:


Therefore rendering her brother incapable of ending her life. And fuming, did he banish her to a distant tower. But as she was pulled away to the tower, by the Dark wind that did howl, did she mutter an incantation. And swiftly did she mutter, and rapidly did she chant, and skilfully did she disable the locket’s powers, until that moment when it would lie in the hand of one pure of heart and mind. And dreadful was Lord Amardis’ scream, and terribly did it echo across the lands.

It is said that Amarande still awaits her saviour.

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