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Surprise! Hi there everyone! Since I couldn't get enough of little Sage and looks like some of you couldn't either, here is the start of what's going to be MANY random one shots of Sage's younger years with her mom and dad. :)

Sage's POV

I woke up to Mommy stroking my hair. When I sat up, I was still in the middle of her and Daddy's bed. Daddy stood in the corner holding Ivy, while feeding her with a bottle and Mommy was already dressed, holding her arms out for me.

"Let's get ready, we can sleep on the plane," she whispered, rubbing my back as she walked into my room.

We were going to be flying to Nashville today to visit Grandma and Grandpa. I was excited because I haven't seen them in a long time since Ivy was born.

"Do you want to wear pajamas or this romper?" Mommy asked as she held up my two options. I pointed to the yellow stripped pajamas.

After getting dressed, I watched as she rolled my suitcase out of my room and towards the stairs where Daddy was bringing them downstairs, one by one. Mommy went back into their bedroom and soon walked out, holding Ivy.

"Let's go, boo," Mommy said, leading me down the stairs where we all got into the car. I was in the back seat with Mommy, while Daddy say next to Ivy in her carseat.

"So, tired," I whispered, rubbing my eyes. The sun wasn't out yet, so it was still so dark outside. Why did we have to leave so early? Mommy owns a jet, there isn't even a specific schedule she needs to follow.

Mommy scooted closer to my booster seat where she then laid my head against her body, making me instantly comfortable again and soon I was passed out once again.

"Shh," I heard someone say as I felt them climb up a flight of stairs.

When I opened my eyes, I was in Mommy's arms as she sat down in the seat, facing me forward. She buckled her seat belt around us and held me tight as Daddy sat down right in front of us, cradling Ivy. 

"Do you wanna keep sleeping baby girl? You might sleep the whole way there," Mommy said, kissing my cheeks as I stared off into space. 

I heard Daddy chuckling as I stared at him with a blank expression and that's when we felt the jet starting to take off, making me grip tighter onto Mommy's arms. I leaned my head back into her neck, closing my eyes. I heard her softly singing into my ear, making me sleepier once again and soon enough, I let sleep come over me. 

"Is that our big girl?" I heard someone ask as I was carried in someones arms. I still held my eyes shut, annoyed at all of the movement that was going on. I guessed that we were already off the plane since they were walking around a lot.

"She slept the whole way here and in the car ride, we got up a little too early," Mommy chuckled, rubbing my back. 

When I opened my eyes, I was met with Daddy smiling at me and I looked around to see that we were in the house already. Grandma was sitting at the kitchen island, holding Ivy as Mommy smiled, taking me out of Daddy's arms. 

"Are you well rested now?" she asked, pushing my messy hair back. I nodded my head, snuggling into her embrace even more. 

"Look at you, Sage! You've grown so much the past month already!" Grandma cooed as she smiled brightly at me. I gave her a shy smile as I rubbed my face, looking around the room to see Grandpa standing next to Daddy, waving at me, so I waved back. 

I slowly wiggled out of Mommy's embrace, receiving a weird look from her as I looked around the room once again. 

"I think she's looking for Austin. You looking for Uncle Austin, Sagey?" Grandpa asked, making me nod my head and he pointed towards the living room. 

I giggled, running off to the living room to find him sitting on the couch, watching T.V., I slowly crept behind him and whacked his head with my hand and I quickly hid behind the couch. I heard him move around and soon enough, he appeared on top of me, making me scream. 

"There you are! You sneaky girl!" he exclaimed, running after me as I ran back towards the kitchen, straight into Mommy's arms. 

"Haha, what did you do?" Mommy chuckled, wrapping her arms around me. 

I giggled, wrapping my arms around her neck as I laughed into her neck. I felt her softly scratch my back and then Uncle Austin appeared in front of me, making me scream. 

"Shhh, inside voices," Mommy hushed, making Uncle Austin laugh as he walked off. 

"He was gonna get me, Mommy! After I gave him a good smack on the head!" I explained to her, making her eyebrows furrow.

"No smacking people's heads, baby," she giggled, hugging me. 

I could hear Grandma and Grandpa laughing behind me as Daddy walked over to where I could see him. He held Ivy in his arms and held her down for me to see. 

"I think your little sister is finding you really funny," he chuckled showing me Ivy who was smiling in her sleep. 

She's always sleeping, so boring. 

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