Chapter 1 - secrets

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"Wake up Marinette," Catnap said, shaking Marinette. "We're going to be late for my first day at school."

"Five more minutes, mum," Marinette mumbled back.

Catnap looked at her with shock. "When was I mum." she asked.

Marinette woke up startled. "Sorry."

"Well hurry up," Catnap snapped, and got of Marinette's bed. "We are late for school." And with that, she went downstairs.

Marinette quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to where Catnap was waiting for her.


"I thought Marinette was going to be early today," Adrian said to his best friend, Nino.

"Yea, me to," Nino replied, yawning.

"I think that's her their," Alya said, pointing.

Marinette was running towards them, looking behind her at a girl who was trying to keep up with her.

"Hey guys," Marinette greeted them.

"Slow down Marinette," Catnap said, finally catching up with her, and panting hard.

"Come on, let's go," Marinette said, grabbing Catnap's arm and running off.

"Slow down girl. I'm not as fast as you," Catnap panted.


"Marinette, please stop," Catnap begged. "Your to fast and your pulling my arm of."

"Never," Marinette said, giggling as she dragged Catnap into the classroom. "Hey Miss Bustier." she greeted the teacher.

"Hello Marinette. Hello Catnap," Miss Bustier greeted back. "Catnap, their is an emptybench at the very back, if that's okay."

"That okay," Catnap said, trying to get her arm free from Marinette's grip. She finally got Marinette of her, and dashed of to her seat. Marinette sat down

Adrian, Alya and Nino walked in and took their seats. The rest of the class followed them in and took their seats.

"Good morning class," Miss Bustier greeted the class. "We have a new student. Come on up and introduce yourself."

Catnap got up and came to the front. "Hello. My name is Catnap. I love art and computers. I hope we can all be friends." she said trying to remain calm.

"Thank you Catnap. You may sit down," Miss Bustier said and Catnap returned to her seat.



"Come on Catnap," Marinette said, pulling Catnap behind her. "We are going to meet my friends."

Marinette dragged Catnap to where Alya, Adrian and Nino were eating lunch together.

"Hey guys," Marinette greeted them

"Marinette, please stop pulling my arm. I think your going to pull it of soon," Catnap asked, practicly begging.

"Hey Marinette," Alya greeted. "Want to have lunch with us?"

"Yes please," Marinette said, excited.

Lila came running up to them, crying.

"Are you okay Lila," Alya asked.

"Marinette punched me and told me to die," Lila cried.

"No I never," Marinette said.

"Your bullying is getting worse," Nino said, disapointed with Marinette.

"Who is that?" Catnap asked. "And Marinette was with me the entire time, pulling my arm of."

"Thanks Kitty Cat," Marinette said, ruffling Catnap's hair.

Nino looked like he had been smacked. "That was unixpected."

"Oh, stop it," Catnap said, smacking Marinette's hand away.

Lila ran of, embarised.

"Hello Catnap. I'm Adrian. Thats Alya and Nino," Adrian said, laughing slightly. "The girl that ran away was Lila."

"Just wondering, how do you and Marinette know each other?" Alya asked.

"Catnap's my little sister," Marinette said.

Catnap glared at her. "Your older than me, by five minutes."

"Wait," Alya said, looked at the two shocked. "Your twins?!?!"

"Yes we are," Catnap said, fighting Marinette who was trying to ruffle Catnap's hair again. "Marinette, please stop.



im finally watching something that's not mlb, for the first time in 2-6 months. i'm watching jurasic park: camp cruetatious.

anyway, pls vote and comment, as that would mean so much to me

Catnap is my oc. if u would like to use her, then just ask and give credit. an image of her is at the top of the chapter

Multimouse out

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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