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Meg glanced up from staring at the ground to find that the night had quickly veiled itself over the harsh light of the sun. She sighed and slowly stood up, her hand resting on the side of a nearby tree to steady her footsteps. Her eyesight was blurred, and the fresh tears in her eyes threatened to overflow onto her already damp cheeks. She clenched her free hand and looked up into the unforgiving moon and she questioned yet again why Nishat could have done this to her. Visions flashed in her mind of nishat walking out in tears, of Lottie embracing her as tightly as meg used to. She let out a sob and angrily bashed her clenched hand on the tree. 'How could you do this to me? I loved you, God I still love you!' She screamed into the empty field. She looked down and noticed blood on her crisp white shirt. Her hand was bleeding from the force of the blow. Realizing she didn't care what happened to her anymore, she collapsed onto the ground again and watched the trees sway in the wind. 'Why do I still love you' she whispered into the earth 'why?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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