84~ His Terrorizing existence

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Tarakshya's POV

I rubbed my forehead, clutching the pendant of her name in my hand, and asked myself if I should go through with this.

She won't forgive me for this. I didn't want to push her back into hell, but I needed to do it, or Anu would never be mine.

Am I becoming selfish? Of course, I am selfish, but for the first time, I feel stuck between Adhisha Singhaniya and Anvayi Trivedi.

"Please Sir, don't let that Animal know about this he will kill that girl."

The pleads of that old woman resonated in my ears yet I kept sitting in my place, trying to shut down my heart.

I know I love Anu, so why am I having second thoughts now? I shouldn't think like this. Don't be weak, Takshya. This is the best decision.

"Not so pleasant to see you here," I heard that deep voice and lifted my eyes, only to get stuck on his figure.

There stood the Man of Dread, the most wanted criminal in almost ten nations, Kalp Trivedi, known as KT to the whole world, who is still struggling to find his real identity.

No wonder the man was a sight to behold, with beauty defying any woman, the same white skin and amber eyes as his mother, and curly hair resembling his baby sister.

Most of Juliet's features were inherited from him, except for those black eyes that resemble her beautiful mother, Adhisha Singhaniya.

What a pity—just a few seconds after her birth, she was separated from her mother by one and only her father.

About his nature, better not to talk; he can be anything but human. Even his blood relatives couldn't trust him, and I can attest to that. I don't know why I ever thought he could be trustworthy.

Standing in front of Kalp Trivedi would always feel like standing in front of death for any random person, most of them would even shit in their pants, his Aura speaks more than him, but for me, it's different.

I grew up with him, worshipping him as my elder brother. Maybe that's why I have the advantage of being ruthless and unafraid of him.

"You seem lost, Mr. Rajdhan," he said, taking a seat opposite me. I gave him a tight-lipped smile and returned his words in a sweet yet saccharine tone, "Not more than you, Mr. Trivedi."

He chuckled, signaling me to lift a glass of wine that the maid served us, but I simply moved my fingers, declining it.

"I should stay sober so no one can backstab me, especially you. It's hard to trust you," I remarked. And a smirk adorned his lips.

That one smirk was enough to tell me he probably knew everything, but I wasn't scared of him, nor would I ever be.

"It took you so many years to understand this," he said with a chuckle, sipping his wine while his deadly eyes stayed fixed on the door behind me.

"Yes, and if I had understood it sooner, the situation might have been different. Or maybe not in your favor, right, Mr. Trivedi?"

He shifted his gaze to me, and those eyes were sharp enough to kill anyone with just a stare. But I don't fall into the category of just ANYONE.

"Tarakshya Roy Rajdhan talking about backstabbers—seems odd. Did I miss something?" he asked playfully, still gazing behind me. I didn’t need to think twice about who was behind that door.

Of course, it was a woman, the one who trapped this demon in her love. No matter how much he denies it or how much pain he puts her through, the fact remains.

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