chapter 5

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Flashback ends now here

Another day at midnight

Jimin reached his destination at Rave party of highschool teenagers college students and others
He got inside the party he is used to these kind of place now its doesnt affect him much now
With people drugged high and dancing  sawaying their body in loud music
A man bumped into him he looks up to find a handsome man with a "DADDY"  tatto on his neck
??:- ay ya sweety walk carefully not wanna get in hands of perverts will ya?
Jimin:- s-sorry
??:- np what that? Ohhyou are here to sell drugs? Woaahhhh you are so young tho...
Jimin:- desparate times calls for desparate measures
??:- yah thats right.. i will help you i got many friends of mine here
He takes his hand and take him to his friends he didnt give him chamce to speak he was feeling his heart beat rise in anxiety but they  were not harm..  according to him they take his all drugs and paid him money he was done and was about to leave when-

??;- mind if i leave you?
Jimin:i-i-i can go
??:- yk murders are happening
Jimin:- i can go by myself and thankyou (with that he rushes not want to get caught by him he was walking down tje streets away from the party)

B1:- boss we can see him!
??:- so what are you waiting for? my birthday?? Take himm damn it!!!!
B1:- ok boss!!

Jimin was walking lost in his own thought about the man he saw earlier suddenly a black bag covers his face before he can fight he was lift up and thrown inside a car they close the car doo and drives away the car in full speed


The cover got removed and jimin opens his eyes adjusting to the light he was in a basement tied in chair with his hands and legs there were 5 bodyguards around
Jimin:- ah...where am i ..emm

The door opened there enter a man but jimin cant see him since his back was facing the door

The door closed and jimin can hear the foot steps approaching towards him then it stops just behind him
He felt his cheeks being cupped by him
then it traces down to his neck sqeezing it a lil..  giving a massage
then it moves down to his chest
he comes infront of jimin

Jimin was shock to see the Man infront of him...


6 months ago

( Jimin enters the police station as being called by Namjoom he enters in his cabbon
(Knock knock) May i come in Sir?
Namjoon:- yes come come (he showed his dimple smile je sat on his seat with jimin on his opposite side

Jimin:- what you want to say officer?
Namjoon:- ... Jimin i need you to help me.. please..
Jimin:- wh-what help?
Namjoon:- actually..)

In Empire's Mansion

Jungkook is busy in his own thought about the face he saw on that night earlier he cant stop thinking about him
That man has taken his space in his mind since then..
He tried to do everything which he can to find him but he can he dont have anything to find him not even his face nor his name nothing

Who are you...

Jin:- who?
Jungkook notice jin standing there
Jk:- just someone i cant take him out of my mind he is walking in my head all day
Idk what has happened to me.. (je can freely talk to Jin about his life he is the man he can trust on)
Jin:- ooooo~ seems like someone is in love
Jk:- love? Is this love?
Jin:- then what you think it is?🙄
Jk:- idk... I know nothing about him.. i only remember his eyes ..his beautiful eyes yhat hold an... Anger?
Jin:- waaahhh you really turned into romeo
Comon now focus here ... You planned something?
Jk:- planned? Just wait till Alexandrite launch then we will kill her
Jin:- yk our enemies are behind that stone now!  since she has talked about that stone on tv our danger has increased
We have to be extra careful ..
Jk:- ohh we will now shoo shoo let me have my time
Jin:- yah yah think about that boy🙄

Hobi's pov

He reached the underground under that club as he was called by Haejin
He walk through the hallway and reach the hall he was surprised to see so much decoration and lights with loud music he look around to see some people dancing, the waiter and waitress ,the prostitute and spme VIP's , he walked throught the crowd and notice a concert going on
"They got their own concert here?"

The rapper noticed hoseok's presence and winks at him  many girls around him squeal loudly while hoseok gave him "wtf" look
He ignored  him and walk towards the special room and opened the door only to find Haejin watching some girls dancing  there, he walk towards him and stand beside him

Haejin:- ohh hoseok you came..
Hj:- so any info?
Hobi:- that bitch is smart keeping all his plans to himslef not even disclosing anywhere nor giving any hint!!
Hj:- so its time we will use that make jk reaveal everything
Hobi:- thats must not be smart...  he is clumsy boy he will surely unknowingly so something which can cause us in danger lets use him for some other time
Hj:- so what can we
Hobi:- when will i be the help? (smirks)
Hj:- ohhh ofcc you are a foxy hoseok .... and btw you will be giving every info to yoongi
Hobi:- ok np just tell that kitty to be in his limits
Hj:- he is a tease hobi you will know him soon..
Hobi:- i hope i wont..

In police station

"Fuuccckk itt!!!"
"He again ran away from our trapp!!!"
Namjoon:- sir please calm down it will affect your health
Cheif:- this way we wont ne able to reach to him Namjoon we need a web!!
Namjoon:- dont worry boss i know some who can help us..
Namjoon:- so will you help us?
Jimin:- i m not sure but i will try
Namjoon:- see its simple and i can help you to reduce your sentence too its my promise please..
Jimin:- ok but i cant promise if he will come under my spell tho..
Namjoon: i have everything planned out..just follow it..


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