Meeting The Joker

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Okay so this is my new story. I've always loved this story, but always thought that there wasn't really enough details with it. I thought....What if the Joker really did love Harley? So, I decided to write that story and add in a few of my own details.

Not many people know this but writing is actually only my second passion. My true Psychology. So can I just say how excited I am for this? I'm not sure how far it will go but if it gains popularity I'll force myself through it to please the fans, like with Stony.

Tell me in the comments what you think!



Harleen Quinzel walked down the hall, the sound of her heels clicking down the hallway joining that of the random screams of madness and eery laughter of insanity. Each door she passed carried the sound of madness, whether it was moaning, screaming, rambling, laughter, or deafening silence.

She made sure her long blonde hair was tight in a bun, a few strands falling loose. Her glasses were low on her nose, so she pushed them up.

As she came to the gate that led to the employees' sector, she paused and pushed the button, tapping her heel with impatience. A loud BUZZ!! sounded, signaling the door was unlocked, and she pushed her way through, hearing it shut behind her.

"Okay, let's see here..." She said, looking at the wall of boxes that contained the files of patients. Each box was assigned to a doctor here at Arkham Asylum, and when a patient was assigned to a doctor, their file appeared in the box.

Harley looked at her box and found a new file. She picked it up, opening it-

And almost dropped it.

"The Joker?!" Harleen exclaimed, staring at the picture in open-mouthed shock. She adjusted her glasses to make sure she was reading this right. There was a sticky note on the inside of the folder, and she picked it up, reading it.

Sorry, Quinzel! We put the names of each of the best doctors here in a hat and drew a name. You were it. Hey, it'll be great experience for you!


P.S. I advise keeping him handcuffed.

"Betty!" Harleen growled, crumpling the note up. She let out a long breath and tried to compose herself. She was a doctor. She would handle this professionally, without emotion. She looked through the file, and was honestly surprised at how little there was in it. Just a few jotted notes here and there, in writing that looked rushed.

Name: Jack Napier.

Height: 6'3"

Age: 27

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Green (natural unknown)

Identifiable marks: Two scars across face, suggesting corners of his mouth were slit open, forming a gruesome, permanent "smile."

Personality Observation: Subject cracks many jokes, taking almost nothing seriously.

This was it? There was nothing else? No exact birthdate, no further personality observation, no psychological diagnosis, nothing?

She'd basically be walking in blind, with nothing but a single sentence to go by.

"Son of a bitch." Harleen gritted through clenched teeth. She blew out a long breath and then closed the file, heading toward the maximum security wing.

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