Chapter 1

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The sound of a clear crash coming from the kitchen startled me out of my deep sleep. My heart raced as I quickly jumped off the old couch and rushed to investigate the source of the noise. I blinked my eyes awkwardly, trying to figure out what was going on. It took me a moment to realize where I was. I couldn't recall when I had drifted off to sleep; the musty odor of the old house and the creaking floorboards below me contributed to the unsettling ambiance of my unplanned rest. As I rubbed my eyes and glanced out the cracked window, I noticed that the sun was already high in the sky, indicating that I had slept longer than intended. In the corner of my left eye, I caught a glimpse of movement. I turned my head towards the corner and saw a small shadow darting behind an old bookshelf. I became curious about this unexpected presence and experienced a rush of adrenaline as I became aware that I was not alone in the house. I was unable to recall how I had arrived here. I quickly deduced that I had missed my stop and ended up much further away than I had intended. As I cautiously approached the bookcase, my heart pounded in my chest. I wondered who or what could be hiding there, ready to jump out at any moment. I took a deep breath and slowly reached out my hand to pull aside the curtain that concealed the bookshelf, preparing myself for whatever awaited on the other side. Not wanting to waste any more time, I pulled the curtain back to reveal two squirrels staring at me with beady little eyes. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. By the looks on their faces, I could tell they were just as surprised to see me as I was to see them. They quickly scurried away, leaving me to wonder how they had managed to get inside in the first place. Knowing now what the sound was, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. The kitchen looked like a tornado had just passed through; faded wallpaper and worn-out furniture spoke of a time when this house was filled with laughter and warmth. Memories of a happy family lingered in the air, contrasting sharply with the bleak reality of my present existence. Befuddled and feeling a little annoyed, I decided to explore the home one last time. My body felt heavy and stiff; for the past few days, I had only raided homes in search of food, clothing, or other useful items. I hadn't eaten anything in a week that wasn't past its expiration date or had a little mold on it. Every year it gets harder to find food; it's a wonder that I haven't starved to death yet. This wasn't the life I wanted, but this is the life I have to live. All the windows were boarded up to prevent anyone or anything from getting in. Although I didn't have many possessions to safeguard, it had become a habit for me to take this precaution. As I walked through the empty rooms, the silence weighed heavily on my shoulders. The once-vibrant and lively neighborhood now resembles a ghost town, with boarded-up windows and overgrown lawns. I yearned for a time when I could freely roam the streets without fear or apprehension. Now, the only sounds were the occasional creaking of a rusty swing set or the distant howling of the wind. It felt as if time had stood still, frozen in this desolate landscape. While I continued exploring, I stumbled upon a worn-out leather jacket hanging on a hook, suggesting that the previous owner had a love for adventure and the open road. The amount of tinned food suggested that they were prepared for extended travels or, possibly, survival in this abandoned location. Despite the unsettling environment, the discovery of these personal items sparked a glimmer of hope within me. It made me wonder about the stories and experiences of the people who once called this place home. Perhaps they had left in search of something better, or maybe they were forced to leave due to circumstances beyond their control. Either way, their presence lingered in the air, reminding me that even in the most desolate of places, there is always a trace of humanity waiting to be discovered. The reflection of my face was shattered and twisted as I caught a peek of myself in a broken mirror that was located in the corridor. The picture caused me to halt, and I came to the realization that I, too, had become a part of this god-forgotten world, coming to terms with the terrible truths that it has. I no longer recognized the person staring back at me. The person staring back at me was a mere shell of who I used to be. The eyes that met mine were haunted and hollow, a stark contrast to the vibrant person I once was. It was in that moment that I understood the depth of despair that had consumed this desolate place, and the weight of my own transformation became undeniable.

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