The first case

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Placing a hand on the doorkob and slowly turning it, Penelope opended the massive mahagony door. She entered a small office, carefully closing the door behind her before letting her gaze travel through the office. Everything was neat and tidy, placed in dark shelves or collected in a pile. All of the furniture in the room was dark, the only bright thing being the unmatching yellow wallpaper. A constant scent of cigarettes seemed to rest within the rather big room. Eventually her gaze found a dark desk on the other side of the office. A raven-haired man was sitting in an office chair behind it, silently reading a paper. Penelope waited patiently until the man finally looked up at her, telling her to take a seat with a small hand gesture. The man readjusted the sleeves of his black trench coat, rolling the sleeves up before speaking, his voice gravelly, "I assume you know why I called you here?"

"No, sir.", Penelope answered. Had she made a mistake? Would he fire her? She shook the thoughts off with a deep breath.

"Well then, I called you here because it's time for your first case.", the man explained, looking instensely at her, awaiting her reaction. The young woman immediatly started fidgeting with her fingers in excitement, trying not to start jumping around like a toddler that just got ice cream. The man continued, "There have been reports of someone continuesly trying to hurt citizens. Luckily they are seemingly not experienced as they never yet succeeded. I trust you to track and catch them. Shouldn't be too hard for someone like you." With that he slowly shoved a folder over the massive desk. Penelope immediatly grasped the folder, tightly holding onto it. "I won't dissappoint you, sir!", she promised.

"You better not. You know the consequences if you end up failing."

Penelope gave a nod, rapidly standing up and almost making the chair fall over before quickly holding onto it. The man observed her for a couple of seconds before returning his gaze back onto the paper he had been reading. "You may now leave."

With a quick 'Thank you' Penelope left the room, making sure to hold the folder tightly as to not loose it. She really couldn't afford messing something up again. Last time she almost burned the whole building down. Long story.

A happy squeal escaped her mouth as she began bouncing up and down like a little kid. A few people walked past her in the hallway, giving her weird or judging looks. But Penelope was used to it. Used to people begging for her to get fired just because she had never been a constantly cold and secretive person. Even though she was happy to have her job at the D.A.D.A. (Defense against damaging anomalies) there had always been the slightest feeling of not belonging.

Penelope shook the feeling off once again and made her way through the plenty of hallways the main building included. After what felt like forever of walking through pastel-yellow hallways, she had finally arrived at the elevator, which would take her to the reasearch department. Even if the folder held most infos, the research department always had the most and newest infos. (Plus Penelope had a good friend who worked there, meaning she could have a nice little chat with a friend.) Penelope herself was part of the Hunting Department. Like the name said, she was responsible for hunting and capturing damaging anomalies.

6 minutes later she walked up to a big door with a sign above it which read 'Research Department'. Penelope opended the door and was greeted by a room full of computers and people talking to eachother. The RD was definetely the most busy Department when it came to things located in the building itself. Making her way through the mass of people, and bumping into atleast 4 of them, Penelope finally spotted the familiar red-head. Even before she reached her friends desk, the young woman sitting infront of her spoke: "Hey Nelly!" Penelope greeted her back before looking at her screen. "Watcha doing Ruby?" It was clear that Ruby was already looking up information about the anomly that Penelope's case was about as her strongly heightened hearing reached across the whole building. She must've listened to the coversation with Mr. Moore earlier.

"Looking up all that's known about your new case. It seems to be a human with medium fire powers. The weird thing is that they seem to be getting stronger. Every attack is worse. The last one happened in the Satbury street. A mighty fire started in a shop before spreading to multiple houses. It killed about 13 people and injured many more", Ruby answered. Penelope gulped slightly. Mr. Moore had told her that the anomaly would be easy to handle. Maybe he was just testing her? Yeah, that must be it. He may not like her but he'd never try to put her in danger on purpose! Right? "You there?", Ruby asked, making Penelope snap out of her thoughts. "Oh. Uh- yeah" Ruby had already turned back to her computer, quickly reading over something when a blinking message suddenly popped up on her screen. It read: 'Danger! Anomaly spotted!'. Ruby immediatly clicked on it, opening a file before blurting out: "Huge fire at King's watch." King's watch, the biggest bookstore in the entire city of Kelna and located on the beautiful cliff side of the near sea. Great, King's watch was Penelope's favourite bookstore and now it would be atleast a few months until it would be rebuild if the fire spread throughout the whole store. "On it", she called, already running to the door. Ruby shouted a quick 'Goodbye', which didn't even quite reached Penelope anymore, as the brunette ran out of the RD.

Penelope ran through the building, excitement building up in her chest. She couldn't mess this up, Mr. Moore trusted her after all. As she reached the outside of the building, she immediatly spread her huge, dove-like wings before launching into the air. Without wasting a second she made her way to King's watch, flying over the small forest that cut it off from the rest of the city. She made sure that the small dirt path in the forest stayed in sight so that she knew the way to King's watch. Sometimes Penelope couldn't help but let her hand cut through the green leaves of countless trees, listening to the soft swishing noise it left behind.

Soon enough a burnt smell made its way into her nose. Looking up from the path, her eyes widened. King's watch came into view, currently being devoured by hungry flames. The whole building was burning and a bunch of people were standing outside, either heterically crying due to injury or silently sitting in the soft, slightly burned grass from heavy shock. Penelope folded her wings, swooping down before ungracefully landing, the lit building before her. The eyes of everyone locked onto her as she mumbled: "D.A.D.A., don't worry, it'll all be okay!" Taking a deep breath, she ran inside.

"I promise"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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