Chapter 2 Gathering info

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By the age of 2 i could talk and walk. With that being said i was taken to my parents room.

"I bet you have questions, like why you are ignored by your mother and what not but that can wait. I have things that are more important"


"Well first off, your sword. It is called Azrael. I am sure you don't remember it at all since you were too young and it is currently gone"

"Ywou are rwight"

"Moving on then, your siblings"


"They are called Kaiser, Seth and Len."


"You are all from different parts of the family."


"You are from the Basilisk branch. Kaiser is, like me, from the Ignius branch, Seth is from the Fairon branch and Len is from the Kendra branch"


"Well you all took a sort of test that got you a sword. That sword is your all. Lose it and you are not a candidate for the role of patriarch anymore"


"You are allowed to ask for a fight when you are 15"


"If you win you gain that persons sword. So battle with caution!"


"If you have all 4 swords you may challange me. If you win you can gain the title of patriarch"

"Well if we have 4 branches doeswn't that alswo mwean they can ask for a fight?"

"Yes. However that is seperate thing. Now go"


I get the feeling this man doesn't like me much. Oh well! I need more info. Jessica! Gimme!

"So you want more info huh? I can give it to you. So.."

A quick summery of what she told me was that this world works with the currency dragonians. And those worked like this. 

Bronze dragonians (1 euro)

Big bronze dragonians (10 euro)

Silver dragonians (100 euro)

Gold dragonians (1000 euro)

Platinum dragonians (10000 duizend euro) 

On top of that all we were divided in 5 main kingdoms.

1 The kingdom of Ruthra (our)

2 The kingdom of Indilia

3 The kingdom of Zekion

4 The kingdom of Lenium

5 The kingdom of Pensori

And our kingdom was made up out of the main land Rowanna with the capital of our kingdom Kazul, The land of the sword, Calagan with it's main city Katla, The land of magic Yurision with it's main city Manui and lastly the land of holiness Milis with it's main city Milishion. That is just our empire. 

My family rules Calagan and is thus one of the higher noble lands. On top of all the kingdoms there are some other places like Thorien, the woods of the elves and the demon continent. It could be said that the demon continent is bad but that is not true. It's only bad because of it's ruler, the demon lord. Though no effort has been made in actually defeating the demon lord it is fated that a hero would one day come and save this world. He or she did make efforts in conquering the human lands but those are only the worse demons in the demon lords army. Many demons are also in human kingdoms like Ruthra. Hell we are demons. We live up until 1000 years have passed or so. Reinhard has been living for 600 or so now. He isn't the founder though. The founder of our clan was a great man called Indra. Our kingdom is super old. It is 9000 years old. This world is so huge in fact that it has things called gates. They transport you from one place to the other in a whim. They are all located at certain places but many still choose to just adventure due to the absurd prices. Our kingdom Ruthra is said to have killed a great dragon called Ruthra and thus our coin are Dragonians. 

Able to catch all that? Well i had to write it all down. In english ofcourse! But it is handy to know. With that being said, Calagan has focused on the swordstyle of the katana. Other styles are also practiced in other places. But i won't actually use those styles anyway so it is useless to know. With all that info on my mind i was going to bed. It's been long enough...

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