Part 1/2

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Minor self-harm warning for the begining 

Fiore sank down to her knees behind a large tree, she was hyperventilating and gasping for air in a panic, and the loud noises of the thunder from the storm were no help.

The rain was pouring down roughly on the girl and the ground, the leaves of the tree caught a bit of the water, but it didn't help too much, as the rain still got to her.

It was night, so it was pretty cold out. And the rain didn't help much, she was shaking in the uncomfortability of the rain and the cold.

Fiore curled up into a small ball at the trunk of the tree, a desperate attempt to preserve the body heat she didn't fucking have.

The girl was still gasping for air in her panic, but she tried to calm down, with little success. She roughly bit down on her wrist to distract herself from the panic and focus on the pain instead.

She slightly winced when she tasted blood, she had accidentally bit down too hard on her wrist, and the bite mark was starting to bleed.

Fiore gently lifted her wrist up, she had hoped the rough rain would wash away a bit of the blood, but it just seemed to make it worse. She let out a small sigh and brought her wrist back so it wasn't in the rain.

That's where the small girl sat for a bit. Just sitting under the tree, freezing cold, in the middle of a shitty storm. How? Hunter had pissed her off enough to get her to storm into the woods. Where she got lost. Right before a storm started. 

She had no fucking idea if she was anywhere near either of the other teams camps. She knew her own teammates weren't gonna come looking for her, they didn't care. They probably wouldn't even tell anyone if they never found her.

Fiore yawned a bit, she usually wasn't tired around this time, but being a skinny underfed 8 year old in the middle of a storm didn't make it easy to stay awake.

It didn't take long for her to feel herself drifting into sleep. Her eyelids started to feel heavy and it felt like everything around her was going black.

Alec was walking around the forest as rain showered down on him. He had to find food this time, since he was the only one to not do so yet this week.

He normally would've brought a book with him to keep him from being bored, but due to the rain chose not to. Besides, it's not like he could see much. It was dark and his glasses were wet from the rain.

Finally, he found the apple tree Riya had been telling him about. He climbed a few of the stronger branches until he reached one that would allow him to grab some of the apples.

Alec used a basket they got from Kristal to put the apples in. Once he counted about 12 apples, he climbed back down the tree with the basket in his. 

He started to trudge his way back to their camp, the mud making it a little hard to walk. He would get over it, he guessed.

Until he stopped, there was an odd figure pressed up against a tree trunk. Too big to be a rabbit or something but too small to be a large rock or a bush.

Finding it a little suspicious, he walked over to it, despite the rain, and tensed up when he saw what it was.

He instantly dropped the basket and scooped up Fiore in his arms, carrying her as he would a newborn.

Alec pressed two fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt one. He grabbed the basket back up and put the handle in his mouth to focus on carrying Fiore.

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