Larry || Dating him Includes (HC)

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▷ There's a good chance he's shorter than you, so it's only fair to come up with some fitting nicknames for him.

▷ If he's taller than you, however, he'll never let you forget it.

"How's the weather down there, smalls?"

"Larry I'm literally 1 inch shorter than you."

▷ You find yourself laughing so hard your stomach hurts on a daily basis; he's literally the funniest person you've ever met.

▷ You two have so many random and obscure inside jokes; it's like you speak your own private language. The boys probably give you crap for it due to your constant laughing and seemingly nothing.

▷ I think his primary love language would definitely be quality time, followed by words of affirmation. If humor were one of the love languages, it would certainly be his.

▷ You frequently appear on his streams, and if you aren't there in the beginning, the audience quickly makes it clear that you're wanted.


"Since when does he stream alone?"



"Are they not going to be in the stream 😭"

"Damn chat calm down! They're just in the bathroom. They'll be right back.

▷ The two of you often find yourselves going on the most random side quests and adventures. For instance, what starts as a cute breakfast date might end with both of you on the roof of an abandoned building, watching the stars together.

▷ Communicating through the most cursed Instagram pictures or videos. (Like how the group always tag each other in random memes or posts on their stories) 😭😭

▷ You two are the epitome of twin flames and soulmates, as if you were quite literally made for each other.

▷ He'd totally buy you the most random and obscure things, just because he knows they'd make you laugh or at least bring you amusement.

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