I got you.

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TW// mention of eating disorders.

Ivory's pov:

I start to gain consciousness and i feel too comfortable for my liking. I feel warm,for once.
I'm in a house?? Where's Ellie? I start to worry but then i hear a familiar voice outside the room.

Ellie's pov:

"So,who's this?" Maria questions.
"Ivory. I found her on patrol. Completely helpless. She's fully checked and safe to be in here." I say,jumping to her defence.
"Ellie this isn't like you. To care about someone you have quite literally just met," Maria says putting the emphasis on the just,harsh,
"I know. But something feels different about this. I feel some sort of need to protect her. And take care for her. I couldn't leave her there,just like you wouldn't,right?" i say,acting cocky.
"True. Are you sure shes saf-" she gets cut off by a groan in the living room.
I run in to check it out,and i see an Ivory,on the floor. I run to her and see what's up.
"Iv's?" i created a little nickname for her.
she looks up at me with those pretty little eyes,giggling up at me and reaching for me. I chuckle reaching my hand down to grab her and pull her up. Maria was nowhere to be seen,that didn't bother me though. She almost tumbles so i grab her waist holding her stable. She looks up at me again,with those eyes i could get lost in. Her scent which is addicting,though it isnt the best smell,it's still her. I smile down at her, "you hungry?" i say with a softened tone.

Ivory's pov:

Ellie holding onto me gave me butterflies but i doubt she was getting the same.
She smiles down at me, "you hungry?" she asks me with a soft,yet husky voice. One that i could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life. I smile back equally as big, "you read my mind."
She giggles with me. i could listen to that for hours. Completely lost in my thoughts i didn't even realise her trying to get my attention.
"Ivory? Ivoryyyy? Iv's?!" i finally reply to the last,jumping slightly. "Yes? Sorry." i say shyly.
"what were you thinking about?" she says smirking lightly. i shake my head. "Anyway. food? i havent eaten in literally days."
"oh. you poor baby." i blush at the name she gave me. There was so much tension already.
"What are you thinking for food?" she inquired.
"Anything i can swallow." i reply joking but being so honest. She seems to find it funny and looks like shes going to make something. I walk up behind her,needing comfort. My anxiety started to get bad. As soon as i processed food was being made for me. I felt such strong sudden anxiety. She senses me and turns, "Everything okay?" she asks me concerned. I shake my head no,she cocks her head to the side in genuine concern and hums.
I don't speak but she turns around,takes me in her arms and holds me gently,shushing me. i manage to get out one word "anxiety."
i feel her face soften up. "how come?" she whispers. "Ellie?" "yes?"
"i need to tell you something." i say as she signals me to continue. "i have an eating disorder." i manage to just say it how it is and she looks at me like she wants to help me. With pure empathy and sympathy. "Are you comfortable eating with me?" i hesitantly nodded. i trust her. im just nervous. she gives me a weak yet soft smile, "well im not sure what you eat,well what you like,but. im making something simple purly because of that,okay?" she says snaking her hand around me.

Ellie's pov:

My heart hurts knowing she struggles with such an awful illness. im gonna help her though. no matter what.
The food gets done so i take her to go sit down,making sure she's comfortable and distracted. I look at her to ask if she's okay and she just nods weakly. I talk to her the entire time to keep her distracted and it looks like it worked,she ate alot.
"i'm proud of you." i smile at her while making sure im soft spoken. I grab hold of her before she could speak. "Would you be more comfortable sleeping alone or with someone?" i ask,i wanna make sure shes as comfortable as i can make her.
"uh,with someone? i dont know if thats a possibility though." i shake my head no. "you can sleep with me,lovey." a faint blush painted her plump cheeks and she flashes a shy smile at me. she doesnt fight it or question. "i have nothing to change into." i dont speak but motion her to go upstairs to my room with me. I pick her some shorts and one of Joels that i claimed a while back out. i hand them to her, "this okay?" she nods.
i turn around out of respect,even if she doesnt mind,i dont want to scare her. She taps me on the shoulder when she's done changing and i change too. I motion for her to get in bed with me.
"I am sorry to say this but i AM going to have to cuddle you" i say,shrugging my shoulders and she giggles. "luckily for you,i would love that." a weight just got lifted when she said that. She turns around immediately and silently,snuggling her head into my neck like she did outside. I held her softly and rested my head on hers. I felt so comfortable with her already? This is new.
And its scary.

My thoughts are interrupted by me falling in and out of sleep. I figure out Ivory is asleep so i dont need to fight my long awaited sleep off now.
I fall asleep,comfortable,content and at peace. For the first time in my life.


A/N: this is short but i wrote this literally after i published the first one so im tired. I'll probably write more because this is fun but im gonna crash. idk if i like this one anyway OOPPPPSSSS

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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