Bringing Baby Home

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Ben opened the door for Ciara and said, "Home, sweet home."

Ciara let out a sigh as she walked in, holding the carrier.

" We really did it. Ciara kissed Ben. You, me, and baby makes three. Oh, yes, it does. Oh, yes, it does," Ciara said as she rocked the carrier back and forth. "And in our very own home."

Ciara wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You know the best part about this whole thing?"

" Hmm?"

" We did this all on our own."

" You're doing great at the garage."

" And you are ruling at Titan."

" Well, we just make quite the pair, don't we?"

Ben just smiled and kissed his wife.

" Are you happy?"

" I don't need a fortune cookie to tell me that we're going to live happily ever after."

They pulled apart when they heard Bo fussing.

Ciara walked over and unbuckled him. " Hi, sweetheart."

" I think we should show little man his new home."

Ben grabbed the bags and followed Ciara to the bedrooms.

They walked into the nursery Ben had finished the day before Ciara went into labor.

" This will be your room," Ciara said as she held Bo in her arms.

Next, they went to the master bedroom, where Ben set up the bassinet, where Bo would sleep until he was a little bigger.

Later that night, Ciara was getting Bo ready for bed while Ben unpacked boxes.

Ben grabbed another box and placed it on the desk.

" Okay, well, I finally put little baby Bo to bed, and it seems as though you have been quite busy, Ben."

" Yeah, I just want this place all unpacked."

" Yeah."

" So it starts to feel like home."

" Yeah, we had to pack up in such a hurry. We really should have tossed some of this stuff."

" I know. I don't think I'm going to need a lot of these anymore," Ben said as he held a stack of shirts.

" Wait, no, no. Give those to me."

" Okay."

" Yeah." Ciara grabbed the stack of shirts and walked over to the table. She set the stack down and started going through them.

" Ben. You can't get rid of this one. This is the shirt you gave me at the cabin," Ciara said as she held up the shirt.

Ben turned and walked towards her. " I didn't think you wanted it anymore. I haven't seen you wear it to bed in, like, forever."

" Yeah, well, I was a little too pregnant for a while, but..."

" Oh, come on," Ben said, rubbing her stomach.

" Baby, I would never get rid of this. Like, ever."

Ben took the shirt and said, " What do you mean? It's not, like, a collector's item."

Ciara took it back and said, " Yeah, it "kind of  is" to me because... I don't know, babe. The cabin is where we first started living together, technically. And, umm, it's where you got to know me, and you got to take care of me. I don't know it's where we started our little story. And this place is where the three of us "Are gonna be living." out the rest of our story."

Ben wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. Ciara spun around and kissed his lips. She held the shirt the whole time.

They continued unpacking boxes and talking.

" Hey, babe, did you ever think back at the cabin we would end up here married with a baby?"

Ciara laughed and said, " No, but I'm so glad we did. I can't imagine my life without you or Bo."

" I feel the same way."

Ben pulled her into another kiss.

" I think I'm going to get in bed."

" Okay, I'll be right there. I want to unpack a couple more boxes."

Ciara kissed him before walking to the bedroom.

Ciara checked on Bo before changing into the cabin shirt and climbing into bed.

An hour later, Ben walked into the bedroom. Ciara was in bed, sound asleep. Ben changed and got in bed with her.

Ciara rolled over when she felt him get in.

" Hey."

" Hey, go back to sleep."

" Did you finish unpacking?"

" Almost. I still have a few more boxes."

" Okay."

Ben watched as she closed her eyes. He kissed her cheek before turning off the light.

An hour later, Bo was awake. Ciara got up so she could feed him. Ben got up the next time when Bo needed to be changed.

" I got him."

" Okay."

Ben changed Bo and put him back in the bassinet.

Ben got back in bed and cuddled with Ciara.

" Mmm, is Bo okay?"

" Yep, just needed to be changed."

Ciara snuggled closer and fell back to sleep.

Ben kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.

They had both just fallen asleep again when Bo started to fuss.

Ciara went to get up, but Ben stopped her.

" You sleep, I'll get him."

Ben picked Bo up and tried to calm him down. He rocked him and talked to him, but nothing was working.

Ben sat on the bed and held him in his arms.

Ciara rolled over and looked at Ben.

" What's wrong?"

" I'm not sure he's fussy."

Ciara sat up, and Ben passed him to her.

" It's okay, Mommy's here."

Ciara rubbed her finger over his cheek and smiled at him.

Bo listened to her voice and started to calm down.

Ben watched, amazed at how fast Ciara was able to calm their son down. They continued to cuddle in bed until Bo fell asleep in her arms.

She put him back in the bassinet and got back in bed.

" Okay, he's asleep."

" You're amazing with him."

" So are you. You, Ben Weston, are an amazing dad."

" You think so?"

" I know so."

" Babe, after he was born, I was exhausted, and you were so hands-on making sure he was okay and checking on me. We are so lucky to have you."

Ciara leaned in and kissed him.

They snuggled together before drifting off to sleep. The rest of the night was calm.

Ben and Ciara were both able to get some sleep before Bo woke up at 5:30.

Their first night home as a family of three was a success. 

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