19 | Tying the Knot

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January 1945 - Soviet Union: US Army Base

Dear Joe and Maggie,

Hey there, old timers. Long time no see. I can only imagine the bar is falling apart without me! I hope you guys are coping okay in the city.

I know it's been a long time, and I know that you two were probably worried about me. And I'm sure you've probably seen the recent newspapers, but I wanted you to hear from me too. I want you to know that I'm alright and that I'm safe. Well, as safe as one can be whilst bouncing around the world, entering different warzones.

I'm with James, if you can believe it. Me, him, and Steve, all fighting for the world. But it's not all about that. We're fighting for our little corner of Brooklyn, our homes, our families. That includes our usual old booth at your bar. That includes the two of you. At least, it does to me.

After my mom, you two became like my second parents. You looked out for me, you taught me how to keep striving on, even when all I wanted to do was let the darkness swallow me whole. The two of you saved my life in ways I never told you, but I hope you know how thankful I am to you both. I hope you know that I love you for everything you've done for me over the years.

I'm not sure when or if you'll hear from me again. Maybe one day, I'll get to come home. Me and James want you at our wedding, I know that much. Save the date: the day after we win the war.

Thank you for everything. Please be okay, and please be there when we come home. When we get there, I think I'll need a drink.

Lots of love,



As the nurses and doctors fumbled around her, Ella lay still. Arms by her sides, a bandage wrapped around her torso, and her eyes closed, knocked out. Bucky refused to leave. He stood right outside the door, watching through the tiny square window, tears building up in his eyes and blurring his vision. It had been that way for hours until the lead doctor exited the room, telling Bucky and Steve that he'd done all he could do, and they just had to hope Ella would fight to wake up.

Throughout the night, Bucky remained seated in the uncomfortable chair next to the narrow bed, holding his beloved's hand, gently tracing circles on her palm with his thumbs. Time ebbed and flowed around him; some hours crept by while others vanished in an instant, like a flash of lightning. His eyes burned, the soft blue of his irises awash with the tears he fought to keep at bay.

There was just something so beautifully peaceful about watching Ella sleep. Like watching a blazing fire. 

It hurt to stare. It burned, and yet, he couldn't look away.

The door creaked open, and Bucky didn't even react. His exhaustion had played with his senses, his vision of Ella becoming blurry, and his hearing becoming muffled as he stayed in the chair, refusing to leave her side no matter how much the nurses tried to get him to take a break.

From the doorway, Steve looked at Ella, the way she lay so still. The rise and fall of her chest as she breathed was the only movement her body made. But right now, that was enough. So long as she was breathing, so long as her heart was beating... that was enough.

His hands were in his pant pockets. Sporting a normal white t-shirt and khaki pants rather than his fight gear. He wasn't Captain America right now. If anything, he had failed to be the hero the world saw him to be.

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