A Pokemon Emergancy!

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                                          Current Location: Viridian City -> Route 2

Our heroes are coming into a large town called Viridian City, a woman in a police uniform is making an announcement warning Pokemon trainers about poachers. "And that's why I started my Pokemon journey Ash." Jessica finished, "Wow Jessica, you sure have a very big dream to aspire." Ash said in amazement, "Given the fact now there are over 1000 Pokemon now discovered all over the Pokemon world!" the purple Pikachu said. Just then the officer grabbed Ash by the shirt, "Where do you think you're going young man with that Pikachu?" Ash turned around and said that this Pikachu was his, Jessica also spoke "He really needs to go to the Pokemon Center in town." The officer looked at the two of them, "Alright I'll let you two go once you show me your I.D.s" she said firmly but in a normal tone of voice. "What, I... I don't have an I.D. on me." Ash said worried. Jessica glanced over to Ash, "It's your PokeDex, use that." she said as she whipped her bag around causing the one of the Pikachu who was sleeping in there to fall out and hit the ground hard, the three other Pikachu, Eevee and Meowth went over to the dazed Pokemon, "How many times did we warn you not to sleep in Jessica's bag Jeffchu!" a Pikachu in a blue shirt and black belt said, sounding somewhat annoyed, "If only I had a pillow to soften my landing." Jeffchu said weakly. 

"There we go, here's mine Officer Jenny." Jessica said as she opened up her National PokeDex, the Officer got Ash's first. {I am Dexter a PokeDex programmed by Professor Oak for Ash Ketchum form the town of Pallet. My function is to provide Ash with information and advice regarding Pokemon, I cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.} "I didn't know my PokeDex was my I.D." Ash said as he looked at his PokeDex. "Also, I'd never seen that PokeDex before." "That is a National PokeDex Ash," Officer Jenny said as she looked at Jessica's I.D. "Pokeologists have a special kind of PokeDex because they travel to different regions a lot of the time." she said while handing Jessica back her PokeDex, "Alright then, I'll take you two to the Pokemon Center." The garage door open ad Officer Jenny got on her moterbike with Ash as the passenger, accidently leaving Jessica behind, "Hey! Wait for us!" she called out. Little did they know, two other talking Pokemon were at their tails, one of them had navy fur with red feathers of her head forming a crest and two on her ears, she has sharp eyes with red irises and a gold protrusion on her forehead, she also has a red collar of feathers and two more for her tail and sharp claws. The other was white with a big purple feather on his left ear, he has two gold protrusions on his forehead and chest which has a purple marking, he has purple, poisonous claws and three purple tail feathers. "So, this is where the Pikachu Wiggles are Sneasel." the navy Pokemon said, "And they're with that young girl too!" the Sneasel said "We'll get them, and probably steal something along the way. They say Weavile are more active at night... and it's almost nighttime. The perfect time for me to pounce!" Weavile said while laughing menacingly. 

By nightfall Ash and Officer Jenny was at the Pokemon Center and she drove into the lobby, which annoyed the nurse working there, "You do realize we have a driveway." "But this Pikachu needs help." Officer Jenny said firmly. "The nurse ordered a stretcher for the wounded mouse Pokemon, and two pink egg-like Pokemon walked up with an empty stretcher, the nurse then put the injured Pikachu on the stretcher and put gloves on. "Okay then I'll begin treatment then." Ash quickly spoke up! "But Nurse, what about my Pikachu!" however, the nurse walked into a room with the egg Pokemon and Pikachu. After that Officer Jenny also left the Pokemon Center. It was now 8:00pm and Ash was still in the waiting feeling down, he called home to talk about the situation he's in. After he got off the with his mother, he heard a familiar voice, "Ash! Ash!" he turned around to find the young girl and her Pokemon by the front desk. 

"Ash, I knew I'd find you there." she said while catching her breath, "Jessica, what are doing here at the Pokemon Center." Ash asked the young Pokeologist, "You guys left without me and my Pokemon friends." Jessica exclaimed while sounding annoyed, "Well, why didn't you tell me in the first place!" Ash shouted causing Jessica to flinch and cover her ears, "Ash please don't shout, Jessica has very sensitive ears..." the Eevee spoke with a human tongue. "Did I hear that Eevee talk?" Ash said shocked and confused. "Why yes Ash, I guess we should introduce ourselves, I'm Brownie the Eevee." she said and walked over to the Meowth, "That is Captain Meowth Feathersword." Brownie added. "And we're the Pikachu Wiggles, I'm Samchu..." the Pikachu with a yellow shirt spoke, "I'm Anthonychu and this is Murraychu..." the blue Pikachu said as he also pointed to the red shirt Pokemon. The purple Pikachu member piped up excitedly, "And I'm Jeffchu! And you've already met our friend Jessica." Before they could say anything else an announcement was made in the Pokemon Center 'Ash Ketchum, your Pokemon are fully healed.' then the pink Pokemon walked into the waiting with Pikachu on a stretcher "Pika Pi!" the yellow mouse Pokemon said excitedly, Ash was happy to see his Pokemon better, but suddenly... the power went out.

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