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Previously on "Ghost of Lifetimes Past"

Lissa made her way to the office. There weren't many people around since it was so early in the morning. But as she stepped into the office she was hit with a shock because standing right in front of her was Stefan Salvatore.

And he was staring at her as if she was a real ghost come to life.

Lissa knew she was going to be seeing the young vampire today but never expected to see him this early. She was thinking lunch or even maybe she'd be in the same history class like all the other characters, running into him in the office was never the plan.

He looked exactly like Paul Wesley, though quite a bit younger than the actor was when he first played Stefan. It makes sense since Stefan had actually been changed at 18 years old.

Luckily, she was able to ignore her shock and shot a scowl at Stefan, who was still just staring at her wide eyed. "What? Never seen anyone with albinism before?"

At her words Stefan seemed to realize he was being rude/creepy. "No! You just- You look like someone I know." He said, hand raising up to rub the back of his neck. She was certain if he could, he would be blushing.

She just raised an eyebrow. Even though she knew that really was the reason he was why he was staring, that was just a weak excuse. "Well, I have a twin sister that looks just like me. Though she actually has color to her."

He shook his head. "No. The person I'm thinking of couldn't possibly be your sister. She's dead."

Oh damn, he was actually being sincere with her. She wasn't really expecting that going into this interaction. She was expecting him to skirt around anything to do with Katherine.

"Ms. Gilbert?" Came a voice from the office next to the two "teenagers". Mrs. Carter, the school advisor and counselor, stood in the office doorway glancing between them both. She could probably feel the awkward tension that still hadn't dissipated."Can you come into the office? We can go over your schedule and what classes you'll need to take to graduate early."

"Yeah, sure Mrs. Carter." She looked back over to Stefan. "Nice meeting you, uhh, Dude." First day living an actual episode and she almost blew her cover already. Stefan hadn't introduced himself and she almost called him by name. Way to go, Gilbert.

"Oh it's Stefan. Stefan Salvatore."

"Nice meeting you, Stefan."

Her meeting with Mrs. Carter did in fact last insanely long. Not many people try to graduate early in Mystic Falls so her actually going through with the extra work to do it has left people reeling. She was seen as the "troubled Gilbert kid" even with Jeremy hanging out with the crowd he was currently. To be fair even she would classify herself as the "troubled Gilbert kid" so she wasn't really offended by it.

The rest of the morning went quickly and without a glimpse of anyone she was particularly close with. Most of them were taking different classes so she'd really only see them when she went to lunch. It seemed even Stefan wasn't taking advanced classes, which was a bummer. She was really wanting to mess with the teenage vampire; see if she could cause him to crack and show his vamp face. Oh well, she was going to be seeing a lot of the dude, she could try it another day.

After hearing the bell, she made her way towards the cafeteria. She was pretty certain Caroline or at least someone she knew would be there. She hoped so, because the last time she ate lunch alone some dude tried to hit on her. She didn't want her good day ruined by horny teenagers. To her the idea of sleeping with any of her classmates gave her such a creep vibe. She was mentally old enough to be their grandma. It was weird. She was doomed to either be single for the rest of her life or find a vampire partner. At least a vampire partner she didn't have to worry about being older than them mentally.

Ghost of Lifetimes Past | Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now