Go To Your Room.

133 9 74

ehh, more character debut in ts chapter



Earth knocks on the boys' room door, pushing himself against it. Earth sighs, opening the door. "You tell me to knock before entering, and I do, why don't you answer...." His berate is cut short as he notices Luna isn't inside the room, his brow raising as he walks towards his bed, seeing his phone left on the charger while the AC was on, window open as-well. "This boy!" Earth gasps, stomping over to gaze at the window. "He left the AC on with the window open!" The adult growls, switching the AC off as he scans the room. "And his room is a mess- Just wait till he gets here." They storm out the room and downstairs, a stern expression laying on his face.

Mars was just in the kitchen, hearing all the ruckus Earth was causing made him step out. "You good?" He quips, peaking his head out the doorway, looking back at the stove. "That boy... Who does he think he is?!" Earth grumbles, picking up the house phone and angrily dialing a number. Mars sighs, walking back to the stove to flip over the eggs he is making. "What'd Luna do now?" He yelled back, putting a pinch of salt on the sunny sided up egg. "Snuck out and left the window open with my damn AC on!"

Mars' eyes widened as he laid the egg onto a plate, cracking another one into the pan, hissing at the oil that jumped at him. "Luna snuck out?" He seasons the egg with salt and black pepper, backing away as oil crackles on the pan. "I know, right? I never thought he'd do that but— Ugh!" Earth bashed the phone down after hearing Jupiter's voicemail. He took it back up and dialed down Saturn's house phone, tapping his foot impatiently. "I was in such a good mood today, and this child thinks he can just sneak out without getting caught?! Especially after leaving my AC on?!" Earth balls his other hand into a fist, huffing.

"How'd he even get out without breaking a bone or two? His window is so far up from the ground." Mars thinks aloud, placing the egg he just fried onto a plate, moving to get sausages out the freezer. "Ugh, where'd you put the sausages?" The ginger haired male peers into the freezer, not seeing the meat. Earth groans loudly, redialing Saturns number in the other room. "Top shelf, they're in a plastic bag." He answers, putting the phone to his ear again, gripping onto a nearby chair. "Where'd you get this from- It looks like some different brand." Mars comments, taking eight 'sausages' out of the bag. Earth smiles a little, realizing Mars had taken out his fake sausages. "Corner store." He lies, staring at his painted nails as he waits for someone to pick up the phone.

"Dude, don't trust stuff from corner stores. They never have good things in the freezer." Mars grumbles, starting to cut up the sausages.


Earth's eyes widen as he brings out a fake cheerful tone. "Good morning, Saturn! Is Luna over there?" He asks, tightening his grip on the chair, tapping his foot faster.


Saturn looks behind him at the couch to see Luna sitting with Titan, the two conversing. He turns back to the wall, answering Earth. "Morning dear, and yeah, Titan said he was gonna be here for the night, and he'd come back this morning." Saturn twirls his hair, leaning onto the door.

"Great! Can I speak to Luna really quickly?"

Saturn hums. "Of course." He removes the phone from his ear, glancing at Luna. "Luna dear! Earth wants to speak to you." He says sweetly, not paying mine to the look of dread on Luna's face. "T- Thanks." The boy smiles awkwardly as he walks up to Saturn, taking the phone from him. Saturn fans him off, ambling towards the kitchen so he could finish breakfast for his own kids.

"Hello..?" Luna whispers, prepared for whatever comes his way.

"Lunar Moon Sachelle."

Luna winces at his full name, moving out of Titan's view.