**Chapter 1: The Fragrance of Beginnings**

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As Arav steps into the café, the chime of the door seems to harmonize with the rhythm of his heartbeat, a symphony of new possibilities. Nikhil's gaze meets his, a silent acknowledgment of the shared solitude that often accompanies creative souls.

**Arav**: "One masala chai, please. And perhaps a quiet corner where stories aren't afraid to unfold."

**Nikhil**: "Coming right up. And take the booth by the window. It's where the morning light whispers secrets to the dreamers."

**Nikhil**: "You know, they say that booth has a magic of its own. It's seen more beginnings than the pages of a well-worn diary."

Arav smiles, his eyes reflecting a mosaic of thoughts. He takes a seat, the cushion embracing him like an old friend. The sunbeams dance through the glass, casting a warm glow on the table that's become a canvas to many.

**Arav**: "It does feel different. Like the air here is thick with tales waiting to be told."

**Nikhil**: "Oh, it is. Each person who sits here leaves a piece of their story behind. And sometimes, if you listen closely, you can hear the whispers of past dreams merging with your own."

The steam from the masala chai rises in spirals, carrying with it the spice of anticipation. Arav takes out his notebook, the pen poised like a conductor's baton, ready to orchestrate a new adventure on paper.

**Arav**: "Then let's hope my story will be worthy of this place."

**Nikhil**: "Every story is worthy, my friend. It's the courage to tell it that makes it extraordinary."

As Arav begins to write, the world outside fades away, leaving only the symphony of his thoughts and the quiet support of the café that has witnessed the birth of countless dreams.

Read the male lead one first pls
Sorry it was not published 😔

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