Chapter 9

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I make myself busy in the kitchen, trying not to think of him naked in the shower upstairs.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been this attracted to someone in a year. Plus, its Garrett. I just saw him and didn't feel this way.

Then again, last time I saw him, he wasn't half naked.

I should've known that suit was hiding a damn idol under it. I shake my head while making some dinner. I should probably ask before using his ingredients, but I think were past that now. The eggs sizzle in the pan and I go to put toast in the toaster when I hear footsteps on the stairs. I calm myself and continue my tasks. Garrett walks into the kitchen in flannel pajama pants, they hang off him in a delicious way. No shirt. This man is trying to kill me.

Isabelle. Stop this. Think of how he left you at the airport. He pulled you away.

I clear my throat and plate the meal, placing a plate in front of him at the island.

"Thanks. You didn't have to cook. I know it's been a rough day." He pauses before taking a bite, signing the cross over his chest and shoulders.

"You're Catholic?" I watch him take a bite of the food.

"My mom was. She raised me and it's a hard habit to break." He shrugs, answering as he chews softly.

I nod, taking in this information. Placing my plate beside him, I sit down and try not to side eye him as we eat.

Mouthful of food, I ask the question I can't stop from falling out.

"Are you still working for Marco?"

He stills briefly and nods, taking another bite of eggs.

"How can you do that?" I whisper.

He pauses the fork just inches from his mouth before he sets it down and looks at me.

"I have my reasons, but above all, I want to find her just like you do."

I search his amber eyes for lies but I see none. This really bothers him.

"I couldn't save him. I have to save her. So, if that means putting myself at risk day after day working for that bastard then so be it." He shoves the fork into his mouth, and I know I've hit a nerve.

"I'm sorry."

He meets my gaze again. "For what?"

"You lost a friend that day. Not just a boss."

His throat bobs slightly as his eyes soften.

"He believed in me when no one else did. I would've gone to jail if I hadn't met him. I owe him everything. I'll do anything."

We finished eating in silence. I'm too nervous to ask anything else in the strange state were in. He washes the dishes while I dry them, and the silence seems to stretch across the house. Just the rhythmic scraping of plates and water washing them echoes. Once the last plate is dried, I walk to the staircase just ready to lay down. Today has been an awful day.

"Isabelle." His voice carries from the dining room. My foot hovers over the first step as I wait for him to catch up to me.

"Yes?" I ask when his face comes into view.

"We're going to find her."

I moved up the stairs unsure of what to say. I don't even know if I believe that anymore. She's been missing for over a year. There's another scenario no one wants to think about.

His hand grips mine, preventing me from going up any further.

"Keep with the professor. I can feel it. This is the big lead we need." I just nod. That's all the energy I have left for today.

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