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It's been one week since the head of the Kim clan left everyone behind and reunited with his mate,

It was the most devastating day for everyone, they lost their head Alpha, they lost a great leader, they lost a family, for Areum who lost both of her parents was shattered, Dong-Wook and In-Na are in no good position, their son left them,

And Taehyung, he only cried that day, because he promised his brother that he would take care of Areum in his absence, and he can't break at times like this, he has to be strong for Areum,

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook are no exception, Jungkook who had lost both of his parent figures was also devastated, but he wants to be strong for his husband, who he never saw mourning after that day, because he knows the pain his Omega is hiding deep inside, and he wants to be there with Taehyung,

Now the clan was leaderless, which has become a great threat to everyone, many have their eyes on the position, but the next leader of the clan was already selected by Namjoon, he entrusted him with his closest friends, hoping they will lead the new leader, as he hoped for,

"Hoseok" Yoongi's dry voice reached the said Alpha, who raised his head to look at his mate, "we need a leader" Yoongi says, sitting beside Hoseok, who was looking at the sky, filled with stars, leaning back, with his hands stretchy back on the bench for support, "we do" Hoseok mumbles, not turning his head, "it's time we take things into hands, we are in danger" hearing his mate, Hoseok looks ay Yoongi, "you think he will accept Yoongi?" Hoseok asks nonchalantly,

"It doesn't matter, Bo-Hyun is out there, enjoying his victory, but here we are still mourning! It's time for revenge, Hoseok!" Yoongi grits his teeth, he is done mourning and crying over his best friend, it's time for revenge! "and this clan needs a leader! Otherwise, we are as good as dead!" Yoongi adds, eyes flashing red, "I know babe, but---" Yoongi shakes his head, "there is no other way Hoseok, we have to pursue him" Hoseok knows his mate is right, and there is no room for arguing, no matter how much he reason,

"Call Jungkook"

Hoseok and Yoongi sit on the sofa with Jungkook on the opposite of them, "what is it Hyung?" Jungkook asks, finally breaking the silence in the night, Hoseok looks at the chair that once belonged to Namjoon, "this clan needs a leader Jungkook" the raven raises his eyebrows, eyes holding confusion and begging for more clarity, "I know" Jungkook nods, seeing Hoseok being hesitant, Yoongi does the honour of what they meant, "and we want you to be the next leader"

The True Blood eyes widen in surprise, "what?" He asks, blood running cold, "what you heard Kook! Not only us it was Alpha Namjoon's order and he passed the heirloom upon to you" Hoseok says, standing, he walks to the dest, leaning forward, he opens the drawer and takes a envelope out of it, "here" he hands the letter to Jungkook, who look at the letter then at Hoseok, taking the flesh of his lips between the teeth, "take it Jungkook" and he does,

Opening the letter, which was neatly written and stamped and signed by their former leader, "I can't Hyung" Jungkook shakes his head, heart leaping out of his chest as a feeling rushes his veins, power, the feeling of power and Jungkook detested it, he never craved for it!

"Kook, you are best choice" Yoongi says, "I am not! Alpha Namjoon is the best leader and I am not craving for this, I pass on the offer, thanks Hyung" Jungkook shrugs the offer, "there are many people out there that are dying to have this seat but I am not one of them, either of you can have and I am ready to serve you but I am not the only choice you had Hyung" Jungkook says, looking down at his hands,

"Jungkook-ah, Namjoon trusted you with this" Hoseok says in his utmost gentle voice, "I know Hyung and I am honoured but I don't know, I don't want that power" "Bo-Hyun is out there, enjoying and we need to take our revenge, we have enemies lurking around, and the best we could think of is you" everyone are in danger, Jungkook knows what's Hoseok was meaning, even his mate is in danger, his family is in danger, "I-I need time Hyung"

Jungkook enters his room after the talk with his Hyung's, slowly closing the door behind him, his heart melts at the sight in front of him, seeing Areum and Taehyung, the Omega has the little Alpha curled in his arms, sleeping peacefully, ever since Namjoon's demise, Areum could not sleep by herself, she either sleeping with Jimin or Taehyung, both the omega's are giving her the comfort she needed,

A small smile blooms on his face thinking of having their own children, with Taehyung everything worths, but is it worth staying in this Mafia and letting his family suffer? He doesn't want the same destiny for them, he never thought Taehyung would become his, yes! he hoped for, but nothing beyond, but now he was given a chance to protect his precious Omega, he was left in a dilemma, is it worth risking everything?

But enemies are everywhere, if there is no leader to their clan, they all are in danger, being a True Blood, Jungkook was superior to every other rank out there, and he knows he was suitable to be the clan leader, but Jungkook doesn't want to, not after he got married to Taehyung,

He is indeed stuck.

But he was not out of options.


Hey Buns!

Will Jungkook agree?

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