Chapter 1 - The Prince Of Hell

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Once upon a time there was a golden city protected by golden gates known as heaven, it was ruled by beings of pure light angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer, was one of these angels he was a dreamer with fantastic ideas for all of creations! he was seen as a trouble maker to the elders of heaven, for they thought his way of thinking was dangerous for there world. So he watched as they began to expand the universe in there ways. From the dust of earth they created Adam and Lilith Equals as the first of man kind, despite this Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to submit to his will she fled the garden drawn in by her fierce independent lucifer found her and the 2 rebellion dreamers fell deeply in love together they wished to share the magic of free will of humanity adding the fruit of knowledge to Adams new bride eve who gladly accepted but this gift came with a curse. With this single act of disobediently evil found its way onto earth with it a new realm of darkness and sin and the work heaven worked to maintain was shattered As punishment for there reckless act Heaven has cast lucifer and his love into the dark pit he created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed lucifer lost his will to dream but Lilith thrived empowering demon kind with her voice and her song and as the numbers of hell grew so did its power. Threatened by this heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year they would send down a army, a extermination to ensure hell arrive and go against them. But Lilith hope remained, and there dream was passed down to there precious son. The prince, Of Hell
[ Apollo would say the story to himself,  sitting on the roof top looking outside at hell, a extermination recently happened and he would be upset seeing all the damage every extermination keep causing, He is getting sick of tired of heaven killing his people he hope one day he can change heavens mind, Apollo really hope he can make a difference in hell. ]

Apollo: "Don't worry mom, I will make you proud."

[ Xander would then come into the room and look up at apollo, a little confused and chuckle a little before apollo would jump and let out a little scream, and Xander would give out a little chuckle]

Xander: "Apollo?"

Apollo: "Augh, Shit! How long have you been standing there?"

Xander: "Long enough, Haha." 

Apollo: "Sorry, I get pretty worked up after a extermination, The story helps though! Haha.."

Xander: "I know, I understand don't worry. But Uh, Are you okay?" 

[ Xander say as he sat down next to apollo and looked up at him ]

Apollo: "I'm fine, Just cant stop thinking of my mother, and wonder if she will ever return.."

Xander: "Right, How long have it been now..?"

Apollo: "Not long.. Just.. About Seven Years..! Off doing something really important, I'm sure! but this kingdom is something she really care about, something I 
care about.." 

Xander: "Hey, At least your not alone."

[ Xander and apollo would hug, Before Xander would let go and look up and give apollo a small, warming smile ]

Apollo: "I just hope what I'm doing here will eventually pay off.. "

Xander: "It will! I have faith in you apollo, I believe you can do anything you set your mind to." 

[ Xander would say before hugging apollo again, then letting go then look up and give a small chuckle before saying something else ]

Xander: "Alright, Come on! Alastor has something to show us."

[ Xander would get up, and as she would leave and the bell would ring through out the city as apollo looked up to the bell tower, it would only show that its another year since the next extermination. Apollo would sigh then follow her to the lobby. The static would go on the tv, Switching to the broadcast only to show a comerical Alastor made.]

[Once the comerical finished Xander would stand there and just give Alastor a death glare, twitching his eye confused on what the HELL just happen, As the television Turned off. ]  

Alastor: "So what did you think!"

[ Apollo and Xander would be on the couch in the lobby fixing to speak ]

Xander: "What in the actual FUCK was that?" 

[ Xander says with anger through his voice]

Apollo: "Yeah- One note, Alastor really i appreciate it, your trying to help us grow the hotel! I love it, that's why your here right? Actually don't answer that, but this commercial make us look.. Uh, How do i put this.."

[ Apollo would say in a extremely friendly voice, before Xander steps in ]

Xander: "Bad, The word your looking for is Bad."

 Alastor: "Funny, I was going for hilarious!" 

Xander: "It fucking didn't explain ANYTHING, This comerical make us look like a JOKE." 

Alastor: "That's the point my dear! that what makes it look so funny!"

[ Alastor would grab Xander chin, and Xander would slap his head with his angelic spear, as Alastor held his hand back and rolled his eyes ]

Apollo: "Lets calm down, but Xander is right Alastor.. We need to make a comerical that.. Inspires people to come to the hotel! Make people want to come here, make it look Enjoyable!"

[ Apollo say as Xander and him both smiled ]

Alastor: "Well my dear, I haven't been active in hell for some time now and everyone remember me from my radio show, The proper medium to express oneself, but you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement." 

[ Alastor then would tap the television two times with his microphone staff and give off a huge mischief smile ]

Alastor: "So i had a little.. Fun with it!"

Xander: "Fun? You fucking had a little FUN with it? This is not what we want to represent! We don't want the hotel to look like a fucking joke, which that dumb commercial you make makes it looks like a FUCKING JOKE!"

[ Xander would say, Basically yelling now before Angelo Dust, the son of Angel dust would raise his hand ]

Xander: "What?"

Angelo: "If your filming a comerical, I suggest you  take better advantage of the celeberity talent you have Right here!"

[ Angelo says pointing to his self ]

Xander: "Angelo, Your a porn star."

Angelo: "A famous porn star, I will have the horniest sinners knocking these doors Down!" 

Xander: "We aren't filming a porn for a comerical." 

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