chapter 6

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Wooin is currently in his class, he had hidden both from that guard, and the popular weird kid, He specially went to school early for this, he found that the old man was the one opening the gates and he was relieved that it isn't the guard

Nola and Mino were dragged with him waking up early and going to school early because of Wooin's shenanigans, so right now Nola and Mino are currently sleeping on their desk while Wooin is in his desk playing with his phone as he has a lot of energy right now he can't sleep like them

Wooin had already made Yoonwo's breakfast, and to wake up early he set up his alarm and put it in Yoonwo's room, as he got Yoonwo's bag and shoes and also uniform ready

soon more students came in, and sooner the teacher came in, Nola and Mino yawned and looked at Wooin, both of them flinched startled when they saw Wooin mumbling while staring at the board taking notes, with eyebags under his eyes

"Gosh that scared me" Mino said as he held his heart

"Wtf dude, What's wrong with you?" Nola asked as he also held his heart in shock

"Nothing, just existing" Wooin said with a stoic tone and sarcastic remark

"You gotta sleep man" Mino said as he looked at Wooin worriedly

"What did you do last night?" Nola asked

"Oh.. I accidentally binged watched an anime.." Wooin said as he sighed hard

"Damn.." MIno said looking at Wooin with Pity

"and here I thought Mino is the only one binge watching among us" Nola said as he stood up when they heard the bell signaling recess

Nola head Mino shout as he raced through the canteen

"Want me to get you something?" Mino asked as he looked at Wooin who also stood up

"Nah I'll go with you guys" Wooin said as he also stood up and ran after Nola

"WAIT-" Mino said tripping and then also running to catch the two


Nola had already seated, Wooin going to him and Mino almost done with his order, then soon all of them are seated together

"guys what do you think of those kids?" Mino asked as he pointed his fork towards Shinwoo's group

"Don't really care much.. also I don't anything about them except for them being popular" Nola said as he ate his food

"Their helpful.. especially Han Shinwoo he has helped students before, and remember the fight with the gangsters at the front of our school? Yeah Shinwoo was there, defending both the nice Old man and a female student so I'd say their kind, I don't know about the rest tho" Wooin said, as he took a bit on his food and drank his juice

"Oh yeah I remember.. did you know that Shinwoo also was once a member of some karate club? back in elementary days?" Mino said

"No. I'm not from here back then remember?" Wooin said as he blankly stared at Mino

"Nope." Nola simply said

"What?? am I the only one who knows?" Mino asked as he looked at his two friends whose staring blankly at him

"Yes.. cause your nosy" Nola said as he laughed at Mino

"... I'm falling I know I am" Mino said as he stared at Nola laughing

"Ew seriously? In front of my food? MY CAKE???? How freaking dare you" Wooin said as he protected his food and pretended to puke

"Can't relate to someone single" Nola said

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