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Yuki Rosario's POV

I felt goosebumps as I approached St. Teresa's classroom.

Ilang araw na din akong iniiwasan ni Julia. And I promised myself that today is the day that I will finally confront her.

I knocked on the door and Savannah answered it.

"Ay! Hello po, Chairman! Sino po hinahanap nila?"

I smiled at her. "Hi, Savannah. Is Julia here?"

Tumango si Savannah. "Opo. Kailangan po ba kayo Kay Pres?"

"Oo. I need to talk to her." "Ay! Sige po. Teka lang po."

She called out to Julia. "Pres, may naghahanap sa'yo!"

I heard Julia reply. "Sino?"

"Si Chairman po!" "Tell him I'm busy."

I felt my blood boil. She's been using that excuse for the past 5 days. I smiled at Savannah. "Pakisabi sandali lang."

"Pres, sandali lang daw!" "Sabihin mo kasi may ginagawa."

I peeked inside to see her rushing to get her notes done and the list of people waiting to borrow her notebook. "Ms. Allard, we only need a bit of your time."

She glared at me. "Can't you see na may ginagawa yung tao? Anong trip mo? Mangbwiset? Pwede ba, Yuki, layo-layuan mo ako. Hindi ka na kasi nakakatuwa."

Lalo akong nairita sa sinabi nya. "Yapper much? Hindi ba pwedeng kumilos ka na lang ng hindi nagsasalita?"

She glared at me uli. "Eh, tarantado ka pala eh. Kapag hindi ka kinakausap, epal ka. Kapag kinakausap ka naman, pilosopo ka. May turnilyo ka ba sa utak?"

Julia got up and handed her notes to her classmates na nag-aabang. She then approached me and Savannah.

"Go back inside, Sav. I'll deal with this."

I sighed as Savannah re-entered their classroom.

I guess we're alone.

Julia Allard's POV

"What the hell do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Bwiset naman itong taong 'to. Iniiwasan nga tas sya yung lapit ng lapit. Akala ko ba matalino 'to? Eh bakit parang may turnilyo 'to sa utak?"

"Why are you avoiding me?"

I raised an eyebrow. Is he questioning my decisions? "Okay, jackass, first things first, I don't know what delusional crap you've been feeding your brain pero I am not avoiding you. Second, don't demand shit from me as if I'm in debt, Mr. Chairman. I don't owe you anything, especially an explanation."

I could see him grit his teeth. "If you're ignoring me kahit wala akong ginawang mali, you definitely owe me an explanation."

I rolled my eyes. "Why the hell are you so bothered anyways? It's not even your business!"

He snapped. "Kasi you're my friend, Julia!"

And that was a slap to my pride.

Ang sakit naman noon.


I don't think I've ever felt hurt after being called someone's friend.

But then again, it's always been different with him.

Guess there's a first time for everything.

It's like he said. We're just friends.

'We're just friends'.

Pero bakit masakit?

God, I know that I should be satisfied. Kasi we're friends. We're friends. Pero bakit masakit? Bakit parang nabibitin ako doon sa idea na friends lang kami?

I didn't imagine I'd get friendzoned by my first love.

"We are not friends, Yuki. I don't know what delusions you're feeding yourself but we are not friends, okay? We are rivals. We hate each other. STEM and HUMSS students are rivals. Hindi tayo magkaibigan, Yuki. 'Wag kang delulu. We're not friends. We weren't friends. And we will NEVER be friends. Tandaan mo yan. 'Wag kang tanga. You are not my friend. Open your eyes. I'm your rival. And you're my rival. That's all you'll ever be to me. And dapat, yun lang din yung tingin mo sa akin."

I don't know why pero it hurts saying that.

It hurts saying those words.

Siguro kasi dahil mahal ko na sya.

I could see the way his face contorted with hurt.


I cut him off. "Tigilan mo na ako, Yuki. Parang awa mo na. Tumigil ka na. I am done playing friends with you. Tumigil ka na."

I watched his face contort into anger.

"So ano? Dahil tinotopak ka, our friendship is over? Eh, gago ka ba? Are you even hearing yourself right now, Julia? Ayos lang ba yang utak mo? O baka ikaw yung may turnilyo? Julia, what did I do? What did I not do? Please. Sagotin mo ko. Don't leave me hanging like some goddamn idiot! Julia, what did I even do wrong? Bakit ka nagkakaganito? I just want to be there for you."

I snapped. "I don't need you to be there for me! I don't want you near me! I don't want you, okay!? I'm sick of pretending that I can tolerate when I can't! I'm sick of you! Every single thing about you gets on my nerves! I can't tolerate being around you, and I regret ever allowing myself to grow close to you! We are rivals, and that's all we will ever be. Keep out of my path!"

That hurts.

Kasi I know na I don't mean it.

I don't mean it kasi I love him.

And it's eating me inside out watching the confusion, disgust, anger, surprise, sadness, and hurt on his face.

I wanted to hold his hand.

To squeeze it and hug him.

I wanted to apologize.

But I couldn't.

I stood my ground and I watched as his face fell.

"I see. You know, Julia, I thought you were different. Akala ko you're not like other girls na may mayamang parents. Turns out, you're just the same. You're just as self-centered, self-assured, self-absorbed, annoying, selfish, conceited, spoiled brat. No wonder iniwan ka ng tatay mo. Napaka makasarili mo kasi. You are selfish. Nakakahiya nakinonsider kitang friend. Nakakahiya na nagkaroon ako ng kaibigan na kasing makasarili katulad mo. You know, if there's one thing, I regret, it's that I met you. You are a spoiled brat. And I very much greatly regret meeting you, Julia Cecilia Allard."

My heart dropped and I couldn't stop myself as my hand flew across his face.

I slapped him.

With tears in my eyes, I looked at him.

"And I sorely regret loving you, Yuki Sebastian Rosario."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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