Chapter seven

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The light gently buzzes in the silence of the abyss. Elizabeth was lying motionlessly on the floor of the void. Her eyes fixed on whatever the darkness was holding within its inky black grasp.
Eventually, the buzzing started to annoy her. So, she got up and started to walk around aimlessly within the light of the lightbulb. There was nothing to really do here. The endless abyss went on forever and the only thing really here was herself and the lightbulb.
“What if I'm stuck in here forever.” She thought to herself. “What if there really is nothing else here? Should I just give up? Lay here until I start to become part of this inky hellscape?”
Her thoughts started to escalate from just hopeless questions and into worthless doubt and eventually had to shut herself off from her mind.
Elizabeth sighed to herself. She could just lay back down, or keep walking around hopelessly in circles until she got dizzy and fainted. In the end she just stood under the light and stared off into nothingness.
Then, something happened. A noise. A noise had made itself known not very far from Elizabeth. She shifted her eyes immediately into the direction of the noise and listened for it to occur again. It was a few minutes before another noise, like a creaky floor board, appeared on the left side of her. This disoriented Elizabeth and turned her gaze to the left and attempted to listen again. It was another few minutes before the noise came up again. But this time the noise came from the right instead. This started to get confusing and started frustrating Elizabeth. So, she decided to stay still and wait again for another few minutes.
Once again the sound appeared. But this time there were multiple at a time. The sound was coming from everywhere now. It felt like the sound was coming from everywhere and was surrounding her. It was almost like the void became live with how much it started to creak.
Elizabeth started to look around frantically as the creaking rapidly continued.
Eventually, after what seemed like forever, the creaking ceased. The entire space was silent now. Elizabeth’s ears started to ring from the sudden solitude of the void around her.
Elizabeth looked around at the void around her. In the distance she could see a faint white light. She squinted her eyes and could see more faint lights around her. This was a peculiar sight to Elizabeth. So, she started to walk towards the light. The faint, white light was only a few meters away from the lightbulb she was standing under. As she got closer she could make out the shape of the light. The thing that made all that creaking and was portraying the light was a door. Elizabeth looked around and noticed all the white lights were doors. Puzzled, Elizabeth examined the door in front of her. It was like any standard door. It had a silver, metal, round door handle. The paint was white but was chipped in some places by the handle and where the hinges would be. The lack of hinges and being in the middle of literally nowhere were the only odd things about the door.
There was a strange energy about the door, besides being unsettling due to its subtle appearance, that made me feel drawn to it. When I looked at the handle it was like it was calling to me. The urge to open the door was becoming unbearable.
I stared at the door handle for a few more seconds, not realizing that my hand was slowly reaching for the doorknob, and pushed myself forward. My hand instinctively turned the handle and pushed the door open along with my weight. The door creaked open and a slight wind came to my face as the door pushed open.

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