chapter three

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the next morning I get up and go to school.

ran out my house to the bus stop.

like every day I see Jordan standing at the bus stop on Twitter retweeting

Michael Cliffords tweets.

"Jordan!" I yell.

she walks over by me.

"sup," she smiles and walks up into the bus.

I tell her everything that happened from the dead cold eyes to the

shadows in my hallway.

"that is some freaky shit," she sighed.

we sit down in the bus talking about how I am insane or full of bull.

I look out the window while listening to music.

to see a man staring at me.

he was dead inside.

I could tell.

and he had the same cold eyes.

I took out my phone from my pocket and snapped a picture of him.

he wasn't there.

I thought to my self that maybe I am going insane.

or there is something way more sinister lurking around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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