🍯19. Strawberries and Honey

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Context: (Mpreg)
Ishan is pregnant and Shubman gives his best to make these nine months like heaven for his husband... And more 🫶

*Third person's POV*

A six month pregnant Ishan is constantly nagging his husband to buy him some sweets.

"Pleasssseee Hubby"
"But Baby you ate a whole silk yesterday didn't you?"
"Y-you won't buy me chocolates now?" Ishan said almost tearing up.

And god how much Shubman hated the tears in his eyes. That little innocent Baby always plays with his emotions.

"Aww, my Baby... Don't cry please, Jaan... I'll get you something.. but please don't cry"

Ishan sniffled and smiled widely.
"And no sweets for tomorrow, got it?"

Ishan pouted but nodded.
"Baby.. it's for you and our little bug.. you want them to stay healthy, right?"

Ishan nodded hastily.
"Then let me take care of you, okay? I know how difficult it is for you, Baby, but you just have to listen to me, okay? Just a few more days and I promise then I'll treat you with lots of chocolates and ice-creams"
"Promise, Shubi?" Ishan held out his pinky finger.
"Promise, My Baby" Shubman joint them with his heart bursting due to his innocence and cuteness.

Shubman kissed Ishan's forehead and put on some clothes.
"We'll bath together?"
"Yes we will, Baby... You're not allowed to enter the washroom without my help, okay?"
"I know, Shubi.. I'm not like Ro bhai" Ishan said and giggled, making Shubman laugh too.

"Yes, because you're my husband, not Vi bhai's"
"Ew, Shubi.. what are you saying"
"Nothing Baby... Just that you're mine and just mine.. I love you"
"I love you too, Hubby... Chocolates now?"

Shubman chuckled and left the house, locking the door securely.
He quickly purchased something and came back within 10 minutes.

"Babbyyy" he called out
"Shubii! You're back!"

Ishan slowly came towards him and hugged him. He knows if he walked even a bit faster then Shubman wouldn't even allow him to leave the bed.

"Slowly, Baby, don't want you to hurt yourself"
"Shubiiii I'm not a little Baby!"
"But you are my Baby" Shubman kissed his forehead. Ishan grinned and looked up at him.
"My overprotective Hubby"
"Overprotective? I'm doing this for both my babies" Shubman pouted.
"You're so cute Hubby... Did you get my chocolate?!" Ishan asked excitedly.

"I did, Baby... Go back to the room, I'll bring it"
"And don't run, Darling"

Ishan giggled but slowly walked back to their room.
"Hubbbaa! Where are you?"
"Here, Baby.. look what I got for you"

Shubman held a tray with two bowls. One was filled with strawberries and the other was full of honey. He didn't get him chocolate because honey is natural and it'd be less harmful.

Ishan gasped excitedly.
"Yes Baby.. I know you love them, don't you?"
"I dooo!"

Ishan giggled feeling so happy and excited.
"Remove clothes, Shubi... Sit with me?"
"Of course, my Jaan, Whatever you say"

Shubman complied and then made Ishan sit in his lap.
"Open your mouth, Baby"

Ishan opened his mouth wide and Shubman fed him a strawberry dipped in honey. Ishan took a big bite and dipped his finger in honey, licking it to relax his eager sweet receptors.

He then dipped it again Shubman took the chance licking it this time.
"Eww.. it's dirty now, Shubi"
"That's not what you said that night Baby"

Ishan blushed, knowing what his pervert husband was talking about.
"Shut up, Shubi! You're such a dirty man"
"But I'm your man"

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