Chapter 1

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Masons POV

Me: Um my name is Mason and this is Shadow and who are you?

???: My name is Shatter and this is Christine

Christine: Hello

Me: Well it's nice to meet you ladies~

They both blush

Me: So what are you guys

Then they started to explain their history about their planet and the Civil War and other stuff. But they don't remember how they got here.

Me: Wow that's a lot of stuff to take in

Shatter: I know right

Christine: So what's ur story?

Me: Oh me? Well

Then I started explain of what I am and what has happened to America and the military coup and the death of my mom Shadow my protector and other stuff.

Shatter: Wow I am sorry for what happened to your mother

Me: It's ok

Christine: So you don't know how the outbreak started?

Me: No it just came out of nowhere

Shatter: So what now?

Me: I suggest we stay here for the night until morning

S & C: Ok

Then we are getting ready to go to sleep

Me: Goodnight girls

S & C: Goodnight Mason

Shatter and Christine POV

S & C: I think he likes me

To be continued

Also everyone happy late Memorial Day and we must honor and remember those who died for our families friends and our nation


God bless America

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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