When you find out you're expecting a baby from your (fake) dead boyfriend part 1

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Babe couldn't and wouldn't get out of bed. Nothing made sense to him without Charlie. He would live with the remorse that the last words he said to the boy he loved were" i'm disappointed in you, Charlie."

He was sobbing as he clutched one of Charlie's sweatshirts to breathe in his scent. He hadn't even washed his sheets since he came home after Charlie's death.

He didn't want Charlie's scent to disappear from that house. He had isolated himself from everything and everyone. He wasn't eating. He spent the time crying, surrounded by Charlie's clothes and looking at his cell phone with the video of Charlie's death. He had become a shadow of his former self.

sometimes it seemed to Babe that Charlie was close to him. Charlie loved to cuddle him.

- Charlie, how can I live without you? - asked Babe while looking at a photo on his cell phone. - Please come back to me. I'll be good -

He thought back to something Charlie said when they were at his aunt's restaurant.

"If I'm lovely, love me more and scold me less"

- if you come back, I won't scold you again - said Babe. - but come back. I don't know how to live without you. You changed my life, Charlie. I need your Love -

Alan was calling him but Babe couldn't speak to him. Suddenly a feeling of nausea hit him making him rush to the bathroom and he vomited into the toilet.

It was strange. He wasn't eating and yet he was vomiting. He vomited again and didn't understand why.

He rinsed his mouth and looked at himself in the mirror. He had become a zombie. He was no longer Babe without Charlie.

He went back to bed and hugged the sweatshirt close to him.

The next day he felt nauseous again and vomited again. It wasn't normal. Babe had a crazy thought but Charlie wasn't an enigma. Charlie wouldn't lie to him about something so important. He looked at his belly and touched it. And if by some strange miracle he had Charlie's baby inside him.

He decided to get out of bed, put on one of Charlie's sweatshirts and went out without caring about his horrible appearance. He went to a pharmacy, picked up a basket and approached the pregnancy test area. He didn't know which one to get so he took several different ones. He went to the checkout and gave the basket to the clerk.

- I'm sorry for the loss of your boyfriend - said the shop assistant girl having recognized him.

Babe didn't expect such a sentence from a stranger.

- Thanks - replied Babe.

- in my opinion this is the best pregnancy test - said the girl showing the Clear Blue. - it is one of the most reliable -

-Then I'll take three more of this - replied Babe.

The girl removed the other pregnancy tests and replaced them with Clear Blue ones. Babe took out his cell phone to pay.

- if you need advice, this is the number of the pharmacy - said the kind girl giving him a note.

Babe took it and thanked her.

He came home and sat in the bathroom with the pregnancy tests. -

Let's see how to use it - said Babe, taking the leaflet.

He read carefully and saw the result lines.

A line meant he wasn't pregnant.

Two lines meant he was pregnant.

He imagined Charlie holding his hand and calming his agitation.

Charlie would hold him from behind while they waited for the results, giving him tender kisses on his neck.

When you find out you're expecting a baby from your (fake) dead boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now