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[ Chapter 2 - Roasted Basilisk ]

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[ Chapter 2 - Roasted Basilisk ]

[ Chapter 2 - Roasted Basilisk ]

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"AAAAAGH!" Marcille's sudden scream startled you, resulting in you cutting your thumb with the knife you were peeling the fruit.

You winced at the sudden sharp pain and placed your thumb against your lips, sucking in the blood. You then looked at Marcille who was panting and holding onto her blanket.

"Good morning. Are you okay?" Laios spoke up while everyone's attention was on Marcille, who let out a deep sigh as she placed her hand on her face.

"I had a nightmare.." she muttered out, calming down a little from the shock.

She then let out a gasp, sitting up on her knees as she placed her hands on her cheeks in panic. "That's what I smelled in my nightmare! Can you guys smell that too..?"

"Yep, the party across the way is making breakfast." Chilchuck explained as he pointed to another hollow tree in which another party has set their camp. Marcille immediately grabbed a telescope and leaned over so she could have a perfect view of the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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