[1]: ''REINSTALL''

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"Hey...! Hey~!"; whispered the familiar voice.

"The party is going to start soon...! Starlynn, wake up...!"; the familiar voice whispered louder, and a light shake woke Starlynn up.

Starlynn still felt a bit drowsy, struggling to open her eyes up due to the sheer comfort of the bed. She licked her own lips out of discomfort and simply turned away from the wall, towards the familiar voice.

"W-Who's... there...?"; Starlynn asked with a weak voice.

"Come on...!"; the voice whispered as it shakes Starlynn up harder.

Starlynn then felt a soft object that feels to be laying vertically on itself- so she grasped it with her arms and hugged it tightly.

"AHH~! STARLYNN, W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"; the voice screamed in pain by the sheer strength of Starlynn's grip.

The voice is much closer now, hearing it right on top of her head. She musters up the strength and urge to open her eyes and look up, only to see Aethera flabbergasted. Starlynn's eyes open wider as she hugged Aethera even more tightly.

"STARLYNN STOP~! IT HURTS~!"; Aethera squirms in anguish.

"OH- I'M SORRY!"; Starlynn lets go, now feeling energetic to get up.

"My back...~"; Aethera sobbed quietly.

The door creeks open, revealing Tarveil a formal attire. As he looks into the room, he notices Aethera on the bed, crying.

"S-Starlynn? What did you do this time?"; Tarveil looks on in disappointment.

"I... I d-didn't think s-she'd still be that fragile."; Starlynn stuttered in fear.

"Looks like you won't be seeing Aethera again. Did you break anything?"; asked Tarveil sarcastically.

"M-My spine...~"; Aethera replied quietly.

"Great, now Aethera's the one that can't walk."; Tarveil sighed.

Tarveil carries Aethera by his arms and leaves the room. Starlynn, sad but somehow and somewhat excited, tries to follow them out. She still struggles to get her legs moving again, so she has to lean on the wall for support. She eventually manages to stand still properly, although a bit shaky, she believes it'll be enough to walk her way there. As she takes her steps slowly, she tripped over something- she manages to catch herself, and she looks down to see what may have caused her to stumble. She can't see it, but she can sense it; but she chose to not look any further. Then, tendrils begin to slowly crawl out from the darkness, and it appears to be an octopus- yet, it has fur; out of fear, she began kicking the poor thing.

"HEY! NO! OW- STOP THAT!"; shouted the little critter.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!"; she screamed as she tried to reach for her staff.

"Just an old octopus... take that as you will."; replied the little critter after wiping off the dust on itself with irritation.

Starlynn curls up in disgust, thinking about how weird it is to feel a hairy octopus by the palm of her hands or by the soles of her feet. She grabs her staff, holding a tight and firm grip on it.

"Hey now, I'm not going to rob you."; the little octopus stated with irritation.

"N-No, not that. I am just slightly disgusted by that form..."; she looks away, holding her staff close to her as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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