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August 5th of the next year was one of the hottest days we'd had so far that summer. My yard looked like shit, all dried up and yellow. It had been so hot and dry that it was almost as if the water from the yard sprinklers was evaporating before it ever touched the grass. I was thankful that we had a good central A/C unit, but Jesus Pleasus was that light bill going to be astronomical.

The reason I bring up this day in particular was because this was the day all the happenings and strangeness with Mr. Larson finally came to a head. It was also the day that I'd realized that enough was just about enough.

Things had been relatively quiet with the Larson's wedding picture propped atop the piano, though Marcy and I had to come up with a backstory to tell any visiting friends or family when they asked who the people in that old photo were. We had told them they were my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, though had anyone dared to look closely enough at the picture they'd be able to tell it wasn't old enough for the math to work.

But as it turns out (because that's just the way the world works sometimes) it was the picture that both kept us safe and caused us the greatest and most dangerous manifestation that Harold Larson ever conjured. And as it also turns out, Micah not only gave us the cause of this problem, he gave us the solution. Though as I look back on it now, I think Mr. Larson had a part to play in that, as well.

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