The first Meeting (+information)

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So this is a Wattpad story based of an Au were Silly Billy (Keith) is wanted

Y/N: 21 years old, friends: BF, GF, Pico, Kieth. Love interest: Kieth (later on in the story)

Keith: 23 years old, friends: Y/N. Love interest: Y/N (later on in the story)

BF: 19 years old, friends: Pico, Y/N. Love interest: GF

GF: 19 years old, friends: Pico, Y/N. Love interest: BF

Pico: 19 years old, friends: Y/N, BF, GF

After a rap battle with Pico you were just walking around a bit and suddenly you came across a spooky building and chose to investigate. As you walk in you feel a shiver down your spine but just ignored it and just kept walking

After walking a while you feel a presence behind you but when you looked behind you, you were all alone. You started to feel really uncomfortable but somehow still didn't choose to leave.

You walk around for an hour or so when you suddenly heard whispers behind you and this time you saw a tall lanky man. He looks like boyfriend just more.... broken?

"H-hey there big guy..." you said nervously

No answer. Just intensely staring

You back up a little bit but he just walked closer again. It's probably been a while since he saw and talked to anyone. After a while you just started exploring again this time with him following you around the whole time

After a while he tapped you on the shoulder, obviously that he wants attention

"You want attention, don't you?..." you ask... kind of a stupid question if you ask me

he nodes a little, he seems a bit embarrassed to ask a stranger for attention.

You let out a sigh a sit down on the ground patting the spot next to you, inviting him to sit down next to you. Both of you just started talking about stuff and after some time both of you seemed to get really close.

(So this is a rather small chapter but I'm running out of ideas and I think it's pretty good for my first story)

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