꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘: 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓮𝓼 ༻꧂

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The carriage stopped before the Royal Castle of Althea. Its towers and spires stretched into the sky, their white marble gleaming in the sunlight.

Reaching for the handle, Kazi instinctively went to open the carriage door

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Reaching for the handle, Kazi instinctively went to open the carriage door. However, a gentle hand on her arm stopped her. Seraphinael, nodded towards the door. "Allow the servants, General," he said, "Their sole purpose is to ensure your comfort."

Kazi gritted her teeth. The idea of someone else opening a door for her felt...foolish. Back in Niameda, even though her family was relatively wealthy, they had always valued independence. But as she looked up at Seraphinael, she realized that this was not her place. With a nod of acquiescence, she released her arm from his grasp.

Two figures, dressed in white uniforms, walked towards the carriage, their movements graceful and silent. They opened the doors on either side of the carriage, as Kazi stepped out.

Her soldiers, exited from the first carriage, their faces in awe at the majesty of the Royal Castle. Kazi, however, could not help but feel her heart race as they approached the palace gates. The guards, dressed in shining armour and the symbol of the angels, stepped forward to greet them. They kneeled to the floor; their heads bowed as if in prayer. Kazi looked at them in surprise. This was a first. She had never seen soldiers, or any guards for that matter, kneeling for anyone.

Seraphinael, oblivious to Kazi's surprise, turned to face them. "Please, follow me," he said, gesturing for them to proceed.

Kazi and her soldiers followed behind him. As they walked, she couldn't help but mutter under her breath.

"Honestly," she grumbled, just loud enough for Seraphinael to hear, "it is not like I am royalty. I can open my own damn door."

"Perhaps, General," he replied dryly, "but here in Althea, we value proper decorum. Even for esteemed guests."

As they followed Seraphinael through the castle, Kazi's eyes widened with each step. The inside of the castle was a display of wealth. As they walked, servants lined in the hallways. Each one kneeled as they walked past, their heads bowed. Kazi felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. This level of submissiveness was foreign to her, and it made her feel...uneasy. She glanced at her soldiers, who were doing their best to maintain their composure, but she could see the curiosity and unease in their eyes.

Suddenly, Seraphinael stopped in front of a young woman kneeling in the hallway. Her clothing, although white like the others, was not as decorated as the other servant's uniforms that marked the higher-ranking servants.

"Zayel," Seraphinael said, addressing the young woman, "please escort the General's soldiers to their quarters. Ensure they are comfortable and have everything they require."

Elara bowed her head even lower, her voice barely a whisper. "Yes, Your Excellency."

Kazi watched as Elara gestured for Kazi's soldiers to follow her down the hall. They exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of this new command. As they were led away, Seraphinael turned back to face her. "General Kazi," he began, his voice taking on a surprisingly formal tone, "given your esteemed position and lineage – daughter of Governor Nari and sister-in-law to King Kiyoshi of Ivamis, one of our most valued allies – we have prepared private chambers for you."

Kazi scoffed, "Private chambers? That is hardly necessary, Seraphinael. I am here for a mission, not a vacation." She paused, realizing her words might have come across as rude. "I mean, of course I am honoured, but I would prefer to stay closer to my soldiers."

Seraphinael, however, seemed unfazed by her protests continued walking, expecting her to follow. Kazi, clenching her jaw, did as he said. Every fibre of her being wanted to fire back, to remind him that she was a General, a warrior, not some fragile noblewoman who needed pampering. But she knew better. This was Althea, and causing a scene now would serve no purpose.

They walked in silence for a while, the only sound the soft click of Seraphinael's boots against the marble floor. Eventually, they came to a grand set of double doors.

"This will be your temporary residence, General Kazi," he announced, gesturing towards the door. "I trust you will find it... adequate." He paused, his gaze flicking briefly upwards before he continued. "I shall inform the King of your arrival, General. He will... eventually... grant you an audience." With that, he turned and strode away, leaving Kazi standing in front of the doors, her expression a mixture of anger and confusion.

Kazi flung open the heavy doors. As she stepped inside, her hope died. The room, whilst huge was white from top to bottom. White marble floors, white stone walls, white wooden furniture. Even the drapes and paintings were white. Kazi frowned, wondering if there was a single colour in the whole of Althea. The bed, which dominated the centre of the room, was covered in layers of white linen. There was a large fireplace to her right, but it was cold and unlit. A single window, covered with sheer white curtains, overlooked a small courtyard where birds sang sweetly.

 A single window, covered with sheer white curtains, overlooked a small courtyard where birds sang sweetly

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Sighing, Kazi sank onto the white bed. The mattress was comfortable, at least, and the soft linens had a cooling effect against her skin. Everything here – from the overly submissive servants to the pristine, sterile surroundings – screamed of a society obsessed with appearances. A society far removed from the gritty reality of war and the hardships it brought. She wondered how Seraphinael, and his people had managed to survive this long, so removed from the outside world.

"This cannot be all there is," she muttered, running a hand through her braids. The thought of being stuck here, amidst all this white, made her skin crawl. She missed her army camp, the smell of smoke and sweat, the sounds of men arguing and laughing. Even the dust and the hard ground had become comforting to her.

A wave of defiance surged through her. She would not let these pampered Altheans push her around. She was here for a reason – to get answers about the attacked trade ships and to ensure the safety of future trade routes. The quicker she spoke with the king and figured out a solution, the faster she could return to Niameda.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now