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Fuck your teacher what he taught ya

I'm your knight in shining armor

Taste of metal makes you stronger

Oh, oh, oh

taste of metal - henry morris


Oikawa Tooru (22)

It's been two weeks since I've professed my love. Within that time, Shouyou's done everything to get our relationship back to normal. He returned my gifts to me, all but the moth enclosure that I begged him to keep, and the necklace, and he refused to face my feelings unless it was me who brought them up.

I won't stand for this. I won't let him forget.

So, I touch him. You'd be surprised how much something like a little touching can escalate so quickly. Humans adapt pretty quickly to new things, so when I started grabbing Shouyou's hand, ruffling his hair, and hugging him, he thought nothing of it.

That led to wrapping my arm around him, running my hands into his shirt and shorts, and pressing my mouth against his skin absently, and smoothly. Enough to make him think about my actions, but not to the point that he's motivated to pull away from me.

Enough to make him think of doing more with me, but not enough to confront me, not after he rejected me so hurtfully two weeks ago. He can at least spare me this much.

But today, after our lecture, I took it too far. Touching someone so luscious and beautiful so often had me pent up more than I had ever thought was possible, and I grew impatient.

In the bathroom of the university, I snatched Shouyou's hands into my own and bent him over the counter, pressing my body against his back, my crotch against his ass. Oh, the pleasure I felt just from that bit of friction, just from hearing Shouyou groan in agony beneath me.

It was immeasurable. And, suddenly, I found that having Shouyou melting under me, consensually or not, is as simple as overpowering him.

As long as I can snatch him and pin him before he can refute (his small body really packs a punch), I'd be able to take him as much as I pleased, and I'm so delectably good at it that there's no way he wouldn't fall in love with me afterward.

In my dreams, maybe.


Shouyou's special to me. I need him the way the rain needs clouds and the Earth needs the sun. When I think of living without him, I think of laying in a box, unmoving and unalive.

That's why I wanted to treat him nicely. I wanted to keep him close to me and give him a life of ease and peace, where he could go study his little bugs and come back to our home to greet me every day.

Where we can fuck daily, love daily, eat together, sleep together, and see each other daily.

I dreamed of a perfect life because, to me, any life with Shouyou in it is perfect. Until I realized that Shouyou has the slightest flaw in his precarious coding.

He does what he wants, and he doesn't want me. Not in the way that I want him.

What do I do, then? I observe him, love him, coax him closer to me, and, without a second thought, I'll take him, and force him into a cage the way an owner keeps a pet.


Another rain shower made its way through the woods surrounding Shouyou's house as I parked my car down the road and trekked through the trees. I know the pathway to his home like the back of my hand.

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