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A week has passed, and Grace was growing restless. She hated being cooped up. Even though when she would stay with Remus they would often spend the afternoons outside. He would often shoot water out of his wand at her, often hitting her, but she didn't mind. She enjoyed the cool water in the hot sun. She never brought up the topic of Sirius Black again or her father to Remus. She felt it wasn't fair to him if she brought it up again. Remus had been the closest thing to a father she had, and she knew the bond they had and the love they had for each other was special and so strong that it didn't matter who her real father was.

Today was Friday, the Friday before Harry's birthday. She had everything ready to take to Remus' so she could make Harry a cake for the next day. She heard a familiar crack and she exited her room and was ready to bolt down the stairs but then she heard her mother's voice.

"What do you mean you can't watch her today?"

"I'm sorry Helena," Remus sighed. Grace frowned as she sat quietly at the top of the stairs. "I know it's last minute but-"

"I've got no one else to watch her, Remus! Molly is going to Egypt to visit Bill, and I can't take her to work with me, and I most certainly can't take the day off!"

"I know, and I'm sorry! I know this is last minute but I received an owl from Dumbledore this morning."

"...Dumbledore? Albus Dumbledore?"

"How many Dumbledore's do you know?"


"...Yes, Albus Dumbledore," Remus sighed. Grace could see him shaking his head at her mother. "He sent me a letter this morning requesting a meeting with me. I'm not sure how long it will take, but it's in an hour-"

"What am I going to do with Gracia, Remus?"

"... She's not a child, Helena."

"She's not staying here alone-"

"She's not a child!"

"I know! She is my daughter!"

"Then start treating her like it!" Remus snapped, causing Grace to jump and stare wide eyed at the stairs.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry," Remus sighed in defeat. "I'm so sorry, I crossed a line."

"Yes, you have."

"Grace... she's not happy, Helena..." Remus confessed, and Grace's heart sank. "You're keeping her locked up as if she's a criminal. She's a child, she deserves to go out and wander around and be a kid! Not stay inside all day, constantly having someone watch her because you're so paranoid about-"

"Don't!" Her mother hissed. "I have every right to be paranoid about this!"

"I'm not saying don't be careful, or vigilant..." Remus started. "I'm just suggesting that maybe you should talk to her about it..."

"I can't. I promised myself that I wouldn't-"

"She's already asking questions..." Grace's eyes narrowed as the bitter taste of betrayal crept into her mouth.


"She asked me about her father, Helena."


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